Thank you all for coming out last night. You helped make it a record night for Integration. The place was packed, wall to wall with beautiful people and high energy. Thanks go out to the Starline staff and to our own team of volunteers who help make each night go as smoothly as possible. As we close out 2009 and make way for 2010, Queer Fresno thanks you all for the support throughout the year and for making Integration the undisputed hot spot on Wednesday nights!
The apple is the pomaceous fruit of the apple tree, species Malus domestica in the rose family Rosaceae. It is one of the most widely cultivated tree fruits. The tree is small and deciduous, reaching 3 to 12 metres (9.8 to 39 ft) tall, with a broad, often densely twiggy crown. The leaves are alternately arranged simple ovals 5 to 12 cm long and 3–6 centimetres (1.2–2.4 in) broad on a 2 to 5 centimetres (0.79 to 2.0 in) petiole with an acute tip, serrated margin and a slightly downy underside. Blossoms are produced in spring simultaneously with the budding of the leaves. The flowers are white with a pink tinge that gradually fades, five petaled, and 2.5 to 3.5 centimetres (0.98 to 1.4 in) in diameter. The fruit matures in autumn, and is typically 5 to 9 centimetres (2.0 to 3.5 in) diameter. The center of the fruit contains five carpels arranged in a five-point star, each carpel containing one to three seeds.
The tree originated from Central Asia, where its wild ancestor is still found today. There are more than 7,500 known cultivars of apples resulting in a range of desired characteristics. Cultivars vary in their yield and the ultimate size of the tree, even when grown on the same rootstock.
At least 55 million tons of apples were grown worldwide in 2005, with a value of about $10 billion. China produced about 35% of this total.[4] The United States is the second leading producer, with more than 7.5% of the world production. Turkey, France, Italy, and Iran are also among the leading apple exporters.
There still must be some of you who haven’t decided on anything for New Year’s or who are thinking a get-away for the first days of 2010… No problem! We’ve reserved the last days of the year for last minute suggestions that will help you decide.
Silk Party
1.- For the girls. Ladies first. Huge Lesbian bash in Barcelona: party bags, girls, open bar, girls, music, girls… At the Souvenir de Viladecans Salon. Unforgettable for sure.
For more info you can go here and you can also check out their Facebook.
2.- For the guys. New Year’s suggestion. You can’t leave Madrid without visiting The Eagle, a legendary Club on Calle Pelayo. At night the dress-code is turned up a notch… Good looking guys all around.
3.- The Beach. This is the best plan if you want to get away from wearing coats and relax a little bit. Go to Benidorm or The Canary Islands.
If you feel up to it, you can find lots of Gay Guides for Benidorm here and a full Gay Blog about Gran Canaria that you can’t miss.
Benidorm La Nuit
4.- Inland tourism. Zamora, in Castilla y Leon, is the first province of that area that is betting on gay and gay friendly tourism. They assure us that the city is gorgeous and if what you like is cold weather, there’s tons of snow for you to enjoy. Well-being is made easy at The MeliĆ Horus Hotel.
5.- Get ready for 2010. The Challenger Road Gay 2010 willtake off in August and it promises an unforgettable journey for those who love adventure.You still have time to prepare, but the cars are all ready!
Synopsis: It was another sunny day and Nikki Brooks and Ann Marie Rose were roller-skating on the beach, out to find some hot chick to take advantage of it. They were warming up for some munching they had planned but they were surprised to find Breanne Benson sitting on the bench. Of course, the girls worked their magic, touching her perfect titties and rubbing her sweet ass, and guess what? All three went home for some home licking fun. You already know what happens from there, right? Well here’s something, you might not know – Ann Marie Rose is a sexy little muncher, freaky and fully loaded. =) Add Nikki and Breanne to the mix and it’s a wrap. Don’t miss it, you’ll be sorry. Munch it out! Stay tuned!!!
Tags: Threesome, Lesbian, Interracial, Hardcore, Natural Tits, Brunette, Blonde, White, Latina, Pornstar, Big Ass Click Here to Start Download
Phone counselling service OUTLine NZ will be staffed by volunteers during most evenings between 6-9pm over the next two weeks. Their number is 09 303 3584, or a free call nationwide on 0800 OUTLINE (688 5463).
The NZ AIDS Foundation’s Burnett Centre in Auckland, Awhina Centre in Wellington and South/Te Toka Centre in Christchurch will be closed until Monday 11 January 2010. If you are concerned about any sexual encounter over the holiday period, you can call 0800 80 AIDS (2437) for recorded general information about HIV and other STIs or to be transferred to a telephone counsellor. Otherwise, Sexual Health Centres around New Zealand contact details on the details here.
The Rainbow Youth Centre on K’ Road closed for Christmas this week and is scheduled to reopen on Tuesday 5 January.
Both Auckland’s Charlotte Musuem for lesbians and Wellington’s LILAC lesbian library are closed as they prepare to open in new locations in early 2010. LILAC has found new premises at 64 Cambridge Terrace, opening on Saturday 16 January.
Ron Gold over at Bilrico managed to get himself trashed for daring to write about transsexual and transgender people from the limited perspective of a gay man who probably came out in the World War II period.
He displayed a remarkable level of ignorance regarding the nature of the “Transgender (as umbrella) Community”. From his point of view the transgender community was either drag queens and butch dykes or transsexuals.
The big question should be… Why do we expect gay men and lesbians to be more understanding than heterosexuals? Do straight men show a whole bunch of sympathy or understanding towards straight transvestites? Or for that matter, why do transsexual and transgender people get a pass when they say the same thing?
Perhaps we need to ask ourselves some serious questions.
In the words of Rodney King, “Why can’t we all get along?”
Why is it that every time I get a serious questionnaire asking about a serious topic regarding people described at one point or another in their lives by a transprefixed word, can’t I ever get past about the forth or fifth question. Seriously… I wasn’t fucking assigned a gender at birth. I was assigned a sex. I didn’t change my gender, I changed my sex.
Perhaps transsexual and transgender people need to look at the bullshit they have been putting out for the last ten to fifteen years with all the gender this and gender that crap.
Even those of us who have libraries full of the books and theory see it as an attempt to dazzle with brilliance and baffle with bullshit.
We substitute myth for actual history. Outside a few of us who have actually made a study out of transsexual and transgender history and culture most people are woefully ignorant regarding the lives lived by actual people transsexual or transgender people could claim as their own pioneers.
Yet there is a reluctance to claim much of anyone other than Sylvia Rivera as if simply being at Stonewall was more important than all the work done organizing.
You can argue that transsexual and transgender people have traditionally occupied a space in the gay and lesbian world as drag queens and bull dykes, but even then the dykes and queens occupied a special class, who were often excluded from the political discourse aimed at furthering the rights of gays and lesbians.
The Daughters of Bilitis didn’t want to be associated with stone butches, in part because stone butches were an under class, who couldn’t or wouldn’t pass as straight, something that femme lesbians were capable of doing. See: Boots of Leather, Slippers of Gold and Stone Butch Blues.
Remember the argument was, “We are just like other women, except we love women.”
When the Mattachine Society picketed the Capitol demanding equal rights the gay men wore suits, the lesbians wore dresses. Queens and dykes need not apply.
After Stonewall we saw the emergence of the cult of, “I am a masculine gay man who is attracted to other masculine gay men.” And so it goes… The dykes and queens who had been the face of gay and lesbian, the shock troops for gay and lesbian liberation were once again left by the wayside with the lesbian community arguing against dykes because they were mimicking men and gay men arguing against queens because gay men were not supposed to be feminine.
A few years back when there was the big emergence of F to Ms I quipped, “There really are two kinds of lesbians, women and men.” Nasty but true. Norah Vincent wrote a really snotty piece in I believe Out Magazine or perhaps The Advocate attacking transsexuals. Considering Norah’s book about passing as male for a year and the gender issues Norah has shown since just who was Norah arguing against? Internalized self hatred in dealing with issues of her own, perhaps.
Jim Fouratt was another case of open mouth, insert foot. I bumped into Jim a couple of times in 1967. We were both radicals involved the anti-war movement. He was a feminine looking angelic blond hippie boy who looked rather queenish.
Me.. . I was following the road map laid out in John Rechy’s City of Night looking for sisterhood in the gay world and having a hard time finding it among gay men. Queens were a separate underclass. I first connected with transsexual and transgender sisters in jail, the queen tank of the San Francisco city jail to be exact.
You see I explored enough of the gay world to know it wasn’t a place for me. I had too many gay men tell me I was a girl and they weren’t into girls. My explorations taught me of the differences, just as getting to know non-op queens helped me to see I wasn’t one of them.
But back to Norah Vincent and Jim Fouratt, their snotty remarks are reflective of a certain mindset common in gay men and lesbians. Transsexual and transgender people remind them of the abuse they received as kids for being too girlish or too boyish.
Actually though gay men and lesbians have been taking shit for not being real men or real women from time immemorial. After Stonewall both gay men and lesbians distanced themselves from the queens and butches. There were the class issues. Queens and dykes didn’t clean up nice and were not someone the “community” could present to the corporations as a marketing demographic. The queens and dykes were too lumpen, too down by law for that one to fly.
Earlier I mentioned a transgender rewriting of history, a substitution of myth for history that places a paradigm that came into being in the mid 1990s anachronistically into situations where the historically accurate terminology would suggest using the language of the times and referring to those people as queens and butches or transsexual. The term transgender wasn’t in common usage then.
Even today an awful lot of people reject the hegemony of the transgender as an all inclusive paradigm. The paradigm of transgender as umbrella has always had a synthetic feel to it. Further its supposed inclusiveness tends not to extend to a fair number of people with legitimate claims to citizenship within the gay and lesbian world such as the female impersonators and “she-male” sex workers. Perhaps they are too queer for a movement that has many of its roots within the heterosexual cross dresser world.
Ron Gold managed to insert not one foot but both into his mouth showing remarkable flexibility for a man his age.
. As for adults struggling with what to do about their feelings, I’d tell them too to stay away from the psychiatrists – those prime reinforcers of sex-role stereotypes – and remind them that whatever they’re feeling, or feel like doing, it’s perfectly possible with the bodies they’ve got. If a man wants to wear a dress or have long hair; if a woman wants short hair and a three-piece suit; if people want romance and sex with their own gender; who says they can’t violate these perfectly arbitrary taboos? A short historical and cross-cultural survey should establish that men and women have worn and done all sorts of stuff. I recall reading something by Jan Morris in which it seemed that he thought he needed a sex change because he wanted men to hold doors open for him and kiss him goodbye at train stations. For starters, I’d have told him that I’ve had these nice things happen to me and I’ve still got my pecker.
Perhaps it isn’t needless to say that a No to the notion of transgender does not excuse discrimination against cross-dressers or post-op transsexuals in employment, housing and public accommodation; and I strongly support legislation that would forbid it. I would, however, get after the doctors – the psychiatrists who use a phony medical model to invent a disease that doesn’t exist, and the surgeons who use such spurious diagnoses to mutilate the bodies of the deluded.
Oooh, what a pissy queen, he is. I know the type. He is someone who makes grand pronouncements from total ignorance. He correctly identifies GID as a politically created mental illness but conveniently forgets that until 1973 so too was homosexuality.
In his ignorance he fails to conceive of transsexualism and transgenderism as being like homosexuality; something people are born. On top of that he is a phallocentric misogynistic pig.
The real bitch of the matter isn’t what he said. Really…
The real bitch of the matter is that I have read the exact same bullshit from numerous people in the so called “Transgender Community”. My mother always told me that it takes two to make a fight. I took that message to heart when I started this blog and declared a moratorium on name calling.
I have heard far worse than anything any of the aforementioned people are being pilloried come from mouths of both sides of the transsexual/transgender wars.
Hell, I’ve grown used to some transgender activists describing post-SRS sisters as mutilated men with inverted penises. Indeed Monica Roberts, who I often agree with regarding the racism among not only transsexual and transgender people but within the greater LGBT/T alliances has a tendency to go off on post-SRS women and use the same filthy abusive language to describe our bodies as Ron Gold did in the above quoted excerpt. (see her current post).
While Ron gold is probably a lost cause, I actually feel I would have a greater potential for a reasonable dialogue with Vincent, or Fouratt than with some people in the world of transgenders and for that matter transsexuals. I know Jim to have shared some common history and I actually agreed with some of what Norah said about the replacing of sex with gender although her right wing politics put me off.
Generally speaking I have had vile things said about me by some of the most militant pushers of transgender as umbrella and by heterosexual post-SRS women than I have from gay men or lesbians.
In point of fact the first people to hit my permanent shit list were several of the “classic transsexual” faction. Mainly because I would not put up with their homophobic, right wing hostility. So these people who shall remain nameless regularly trash me on their blogs as being a transgender activist.
This is odd because trying to pin me to the transgender cause is so limiting. People who regularly read this blog have probably come to realize I am involved in dozens of causes.
In the end though I have to reflect on the wisdom of an old saying, “Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.” The nature of prejudice is such that we all too often take the opinion of some asshole and apply it to everyone who shares a common characteristic with the person who is an asshole. The difficult trick is to oppose the opinion, even a commonly shared group think opinion without opposing a not a class of people based upon their membership in a particular class.
I’ve learned a lot by turning down the volume and not immediately attacking or calling name. One thing I have learned is that dialogue is possible if one gives reasonable respect in exchange for the same.
As the Jill Sobule song puts it “I know everyone’s a good person inside, everyone wants to be loved inside, so whenever I think what a dick what a liar, I try to remember the good things inside.”
Fundamentalist ideology, be it religious, right wing, feminist gender theory, or queer theory gets fucked with by transsexualism. The tendency is to lash out with something that fucks up your otherwise perfectly constructed dogma.
Transsexualism is not homosexuality although people with transsexualism may be gay or lesbian after SRS as well as straight. We are not drag queens or drag kings who have gone too far.
Transsexualism is not transgenderism, in spite of the efforts to lump us all together. We may share common oppressions and have the need to fight those oppressions as a coalition based common interests but we are not the same thing. Pretending we are and focusing all the energy that has been and continues to be expended on constructing the political fiction of transgender as the universal descriptor just creates a lot of anger.
But back to Ron Gold, Monica Roberts, Jim Fouratt etc. I know they have all done good things in the past and continue to do good things. When ever they run their mouths that song by Jill Sobule just pops up on my mental i-Pod and I try to think they are good people inside and remember we are ostensibly on the same side.
But the nagging question is always one of why do these folks feel the need to expound so nastily regarding others whose life experiences are different from their own but who are nonetheless expected to work for shared political goals such as marriage equality, health coverage, employment and housing non-discrimination etc.
And I will not let those claiming the dubious status of classic transsexual (post-SRS heterosexual) off the hook. Their homophobia and general right wing bullshit sucks just as much as anything put forth by Gold or Fouratt or Roberts and Vincent.
Whey should those of us post-SRS folks who are lesbian, gay or bisexual defend your heterosexual privilege when you will not defend our rights to marriage equality?
More great news from DC! The mayor has signed the bill and made gay marriage in Washington gay OFFICIAL!!! Yaayy! This is an AWESOME step in the right direction for LGBT members everywhere….afterall DC is our state capitol Thank you DC !
People on both sides of the issue of Global Warming are thoroughly convinced that they are correct. Both sides use scientific data to back up their claims. Those who stand to make a massive amount of money off of this debate are relished with the controversy, but the following verses are what people of the world need to be prepared for and fear the consequences of ending up on the wrong side :
2 Peter 3:7 (New International Version) 7By the same word the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire, being kept for the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men.
Hebrews 10:26-27 (New International Version)
26If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, 27but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God.
Hebrews 12:29 (New International Version) 29for our “God is a consuming fire.”
Revelation 16:8-9 (New International Version)
8The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was given power to scorch people with fire. 9They were seared by the intense heat and they cursed the name of God, who had control over these plagues, but they refused to repent and glorify him.
Revelation 20:15 (New International Version) 15If anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.
John 14:6 (New International Version)
6Jesus [Yeshua in Hebrew] answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
2 Peter 3 The Day of the Lord 1Dear friends, this is now my second letter to you. I have written both of them as reminders to stimulate you to wholesome thinking. 2I want you to recall the words spoken in the past by the holy prophets and the command given by our Lord and Savior through your apostles. 3First of all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires. 4They will say, “Where is this ‘coming’ he promised? Ever since our fathers died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation.” 5But they deliberately forget that long ago by God’s word the heavens existed and the earth was formed out of water and by water. 6By these waters also the world of that time was deluged and destroyed. 7By the same word the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire, being kept for the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men.
8But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. 9The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
10But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything in it will be laid bare.[a]
11Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives 12as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming.[b]That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat. 13But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, the home of righteousness.
14So then, dear friends, since you are looking forward to this, make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with him. 15Bear in mind that our Lord’s patience means salvation, just as our dear brother Paul [Shaul in Hebrew] also wrote you with the wisdom that God gave him. 16He writes the same way in all his letters, speaking in them of these matters. His letters contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction.
17Therefore, dear friends, since you already know this, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of lawless men and fall from your secure position. 18But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ [Yeshua HaMashiach in Hebrew]. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen. Tags: ACLU,African American Men,African American Women,Agnosticisim,Agnosticism.,Agnostics,AL-JEZEERA,AMERICANS FOR SEPERATION OF CHURCH AND STATE,Atheism,Atheist,Atheist Jewish,Barak Obama,BUDDIST,Buddist Jewish,Chabad Lubavitch,Christanity,Christian,Christian prayer warriors,Conservative Jewish,CROSS DRESSERS,Culture,Debunking Creation Science,Democratic Party,Democrats,Entertainment,Evolution,Evolutionists,Family,Fatah,Gay,GAY MARRIAGE,GLBT,Hamas,Hezbollah,HINDU,Hindu Jewish,Hindu Jews,homosexuality,Iran,Islam,Islamic Jihad,Israel,It’s all about JESUS,Jesus,Jewish,Jewish Youth,Judaism,KU KLUX KLAN,Lesbian,LIBERALISM,Life,Messianic Jewish,Middle East,MOSLEM,NAMBLA,NATIONAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION,New Age,Orthodox Jewish,PALESTINIAN,PALESTINIAN PEOPLE,Politics,POST MODERNISTS,PROUDLY PERVERT,Race,Reconstructionist Jewish,Reform Jewish,Relegion,Religion,Ricahard Dawkins,Richard Dawkins,Sam Harris,Saudia Arabia,SECULAR HUMANISTS,SECULAR,Patriot,Patriotism,Republic,Constitution,Government,WhiteHouse,One nation under God,Church,Back to the constitution,America,American,4th of July,Independance Day,RELIGION,SECULAR WORLDVIEW,SEXUAL FREEDOM COALITION,Shintoists Jews,Spirit Filled Christian Warriors,STM,Taliban,Thoughts,TRANS GENDER,YOUNG ATHEISTS,Young Democrats,Skepticism,North America,South America,Asia,China,Africa,Christian Science Monitor,Christian Science,Britian,Shintoism,Confucius,Conficianism,Roman Catholic,Roman Catholic Doctrine,Catholic,Pope Benedict XV1,Latino,Latino Catholic,Spanish Catholic,Catholic Mass,Latin Mass,Latino Mass,Mother Mary,Vatican,Rosary,The Rosary,Catholicism,Papacy,The Pope,Catholic Youth,World Youth Day,Sacrament of Penance,Eucharist,Communion,Sacrament of Baptism,Catholic Sacraments,Sacrament of Holy Communion,Diaconate,Catholic Bishops,Catholic Cardinals,Atheist Youth,Yeshua,Daniel Dennett,American Atheists,Communist,Communist Party USA,Pro Communist,Pro Atheist,Communist Youth,al-Qaida,Homosexuality,yOUNG ATHEISTS,SECULAR RELIGION,GAY,Hezboallah,North Korea,South Korea,Russia,Al-Queida,Yeshivah,Yehudi,Yerushalayim,Brit,British,Money,Finance,Jew Haters,Dividing Israel,Scientology,Europe,Islam.Islamic,Quran,Jihad,Jidadists,Al-Qaida,Shahid,Muslim,Muhammad,Palestine,Palestinian,Hezballah,Saudi Arabia,Iraq,Jordan,Egypt,Syria Middle East,Moslem,Terrorist,Martyr,Afghanistan,Algeria,Azerbaigan,Bangladesh.Brunei,Eritrea,Ehiiopia,Gaza and the West Bank,Indonesia,Kuwait,Kyrgyzstan,Libya,Malaysia,Maldives,Mauritania,Morocco,Nigeria,Oman,Quatar,Somalia,Sudan,Tajikistan,Tunisia,Turkey,Turkmenistan,United Arab Emirates,Uzbekistan,Yemen,Tehran,Tehran University,Quom,Shiites,Shia Islam,Allahu Akbar,Ayatollah Khomeini,Al-Manar,American Muslim Society,Muslim Brotherhood,Paraguay,Brazil,Argentina,Bolivia,Jamat ul-Fuqra,Muslims of the Americas,Jamaat-e-Islami,Gamat Islamiya,Hizb ut-Tahrir,Muslim Public Affairs Council,Muslim Student Association,American Muslim Alliance,American Muslim council,Laskhar-e-Taiba,Islamic Circle Of North America,Global Warming,Climate,Climate Change,Science,Scientists
I’m confused. I thought that followers of Christ are supposed to pray for the interests of the sick and the poor, not pray against them. But here’s a group of Republican lawmakers and right-wing activists, led by Lou Engle and Michelle Bachmann, earnestly gathering in opposition to the Senate’s tepid health care reform bill, treating it like it would be some horrible sin against God were it to pass:
As I watched the above video, I said to myself, “Where have I seen the host of this event—Lou Engle—before? He looks familiar.”
Then it registered with me. I live in California, and back in November of 2008, Lou Engle organized a giant (30,000 people strong) anti-gay prayer rally in San Diego. The prayer rally was in the run-up to the state’s vote on Proposition 8 (marriage equality for gay people), so apparently organizing earnest prayer events (to urge God to literally intervene and thwart liberal electoral or legislative victories) is Engle’s religious—political?—”calling.” Here’s some video from that time:
Obviously, in contemporary American culture, there are an awful lot of people walking around who, though not gods themselves, and thus having no experience at being gods, nevertheless know exactly what the God of all heaven and Earth wants to happen in human politics. The God above all gods doesn’t want civic equality for homosexuals, and he (for God is always addressed as male at these curious events) doesn’t want health care reform for the working poor in America.
And how do so many people know these extraordinary things concerning the divine mind? They just do.
Look, I’m not against prayer, or praying in public (though Jesus was). I’m also not against public displays of art. Nor am I against people getting together to dance, sing, or eat. Prayer, like these other collective activities, will probably—in some form—always go on among human beings, and I wish the practice well. But I get suspicious when I see religious or aesthetic ecstasy bleed, without any governing inhibition or proportion, into politics. It is not a characteristic of rationality or wisdom. And I’m also nerved out by it when it happens from the left as well:
History suggests that the introduction of religious or aesthetic ecstasy into politics can corrode rational democratic dialogue, and even be a prelude to an emerging authoritarianism. And as the above political videos are illustrative of, contemporary Americans tend to be far more religiously emotive and charismatic in their political behavior than people living in other industrialized nations. It’s hard to imagine many contemporary Brits, for example, getting equivalently wound-up about, say, Tony Blair or Gordon Brown.
But what moves the above videos from the merely curious to actually troubling is when our nation’s second largest political party (the Republican Party) starts to morph, before your very eyes, into an overtly sectarian fundamentalist party. Fundamentalist religious parties are characteristic of economically developing countries (India, for example, has one), but what happens when a mature Western democracy starts to spawn one? Can you imagine, for example, Senator Barry Goldwater, the Republican Party’s 1964 presidential nominee, being comfortable in such a party?
And how is it any longer a political party when sectarian fundamentalist dogmas are being pressed into the public square, not for purposes of rational debate, but for ecstatic reification—and for elevating in-group solidarity—beyond the realms of dialogue? Once you’re pressing God as being, in some ultimate or Manichean sense, on one—and only one—side of a political debate, then, with regard to your fellow citizens, you’re no longer really listening or talking to them, are you?
We’ve found the first gay booking central specialized in rural tourism. It’s a search engine that allows you to find a beautiful little house in any corner of Spain. They’re called ReservasGays and you should see the house that they talk about in Huesca: the Piedrafita hotel-apartments. How nice… makes you feel like Heidi in the Prarie, huh? What… too gay? For sure! But wait to see it for yourself!
A nice occasion in the winter to go out to the mountains and set up the fireplace…
Perfect landscapes, cold air that softens your skin
And today on NewsFlash…
- Spain gives political assylum to a homosexual. Source: Frecuenciagay
- A lesbian couple tell their story: the drama of being gay in Uganda. Source: Daily Monitor
- Two lesbian teachers caught red-handed and in the buff in a NYC High School. Source: Universogay
It was a Sunday night and for some reason that meant we had a hankering for seafood. As it turned out absolutely nowhere in downtown Oakland is open on a Sunday night so we headed over to Jack London Square and tried out Scott’s Seafood Restaurant.
Unfortunately the food was as uninspired as the name of the place. Whenever I go somewhere new I try to have their sampler to get an idea of what the place serves. Unfortunately here that sampler meant I got a few potatoes, a small fillet of salmon and tuna plus two whole shrimp. All that on top of what I can only describe as a spinach and zucchini mush. The tuna and salmon were only palatable after I doused them in lemon juice, the shrimp were alright but again there were only two of them and the potatoes were unseasoned and I’m pretty sure they were on the plate just so you could say you actually ate -something-.
If the prices were reasonable I wouldn’t have much to complain about but for over $20 a plate I was appalled.
Now the decor is nice and upscale, the piano music in the background was pleasant and the view of the waterfront was good. Also: sourdough bread for days! While they did seem to skimp on the meal itself, the never ending supply of bread was fantastic. Unfortunately none of those things made up for the downsides.
They did give us a $10 courtesy coupon as we left though. So I think I’ll head back there just to get some clam chowder, which is the only reasonably prices item on the menu, enjoy the view and then just leave the coupon on the table as I leave.
David’s new and exciting style of Aboriginal art encompases all races, creeds and sexuality. It is a unique version of Aboriginal art, he has moved on to more colourful designs but still sticks to the tradition of painting what you Feel not what you see. His latest art is called the “Rainbow Dreaming Series” A limited edition of paintings created especially for the Gay & Lesbian community.
To view some of his most recent works just click here or visit the website or click on one of the photographs of his paintings below.
Andy Stevens & Gary Hayward – Presenting David Dunn – A Unique Aboriginal Artist in Australia
There aren’t many queer punks in NYC. I was one of maybe 10. The days of Meow Mix and riot grrrl are long gone. Most of NYC’s lesbian scene is lipstick lesbians modeling their life after the L-Word or hipsters who talk a lot and drink PBR but don’t do much. There’s a lot of segregation in the queer scene in NYC – depending on the color of your skin and economic class determines which parties you’d go to. I didn’t like that. I wish all the queers would unite and work together to fight against being oppressed. I tried to change it by putting on a couple of concerts trying to invite everyone to come but it didn’t really work.
Anyways, NYC is really big and corporate. That’s why I left but there are a handful of places that are DIY (do-it-yourself) or worth checking out.
First place on my guide is Abc No Rio. Abc No Rio is in the Lower East Side at 156 Rivington Street. It has a mix of everyone. There are punk shows every Saturday at 3pm. There’s also a zine library, a dark room, a silkscreen studio, and a computer lab all open to the public (hours of opening vary – check out their website for details).
A couple of blocks away at 152 Ludlow Street is the Cake Shop which has live music, sells vegan, and non-vegan treats. The Cake Shop is also home of the ONLY Queer Punk Party QxBXRx which happens once a month hosted by one of the boys from Limp Wrist. It’s usually mostly boys with a handful of girls but it’s a good scene – good social scene not a cruising scene. There’s usually a few queer bands that play and it’s a fun time.
Around the corner from the Cake Shop is Bluestockings Bookstore. It is located at 172 Allen Street between Stanton and Rivington. It’s an activist center, a fair trade cafe (not much food – more drinks), and bookstore. There’s all sorts of books there from activism, anarchy, queer theory, queer literature, women’s studies, and anything else alternative you can think of. They also host events almost every night, so check out their calendar.
About 8 blocks away and an avenue or two over from Bluestockings is St. Mark’s Place (2nd – 3rd Avenue on 8th street is the main strip) which was home to all things radical in the past. It’s has a few cool stores like Trash and Vaudeville which has anything punk you can dream of. There’s also Search and Destroy which has lots of military surplus clothing. There’s also lots of little stores on the street selling all sorts of things – it’s a cool place to check out. While you there, stop by Mamouns Falafel at 22 St. Mark’s Place for really good and cheap eats. If pizza is more your thing, 2 Bros Pizza is just a few doors down and has dollar pizza.
If you head on over to the West Village, the best punk record store in the city is Generation Records located at 210 Thompson Street. They have all the punk you could want and then some. There’s also a couple of cool chess shops on the street which might be worth checking out.
That’s about it for punk places to visit. However, there’s a handful of other neat places that I think is worth mentioning. In the West Village, there’s Red Bamboo and VP2 which are amazing vegetarian restaurants owned by the same people. You should definitely save room for the vegan cakes made by Vegan Treats which are driven into the City every Tuesday. Atlas Cafe in the East Village also has cakes by Vegan Treats but for some reason they never taste as good as Red Bamboo’s. Atlas Cafe has some great faux meat sandwiches. I also recommend Quantum Leap which has two locations – one in the West Village and one in the East. They have the best veggie burgers I’d ever had.
Bonus: Where to get Tattoo’ed/Pierced in NYC
If you want awesome tattoos, your going to have to pay for them but it’s worth it. It’s a lifetime investment. I got my ink done at NY Adorned. My artist has since moved to Austin or I would recommend her. I get compliments on my tattoos all the time – and they are some of the best I have seen. However, the guy who worked the front at NY Adorned was really rude but all the artists are amazing so pay no attention to him. If you want to get pierced, I’d go to Daredevil Tattoo which is also home of LeRoi Jewelry which specializes in all things piercings. Daredevil also does some amazing tattoos so I would check them out. I’ve also been told Invisible does awesome tattoos. There’s a couple of other good places that I can’t remember their names, but that should be enough to get you started.
Update: Bars
I don’t really like bars or hang out at them due to being straightedge – but there’s a few bars where you might run into some punks or queers or if you are really lucky queer punks.
Manitoba’s – Owned by a lead singer of a punk band. I went here once and it was very hetero and normal so I wasn’t impressed but maybe you just need to caught it on the right night. It’s located at 99 Avenue B between 6th and 7th street.
Double Down Saloon – I’ve been here a few times and hung out with some punks. Not very queer but I did run into a queer girl. Awesome jukebox with lots of punk. It’s located at 14 Avenue A.
Mars Bar – Located at 25 E 1st St – it’s totally a punk rock dive bar. I’ve never been inside – I stopped out front of it while some of my friends talked to some punks inside. I heard from the reviews that it’s really dirty, but a little dirt never scared off a punk, right?
I never ran into any punks here except for myself but my favorite lesbian bar in New York City is The Cubby Hole located at 281 West 12th Street. It’s really tiny and it gets really crowded but the crowd is usually pretty diverse – boys and girls. Everyone was really friendly when I went.
Bar Bonus: Brooklyn
I sometimes would venture out to Brooklyn and go to The Metropolitan which on Wednesday Nights is full of hipster dykes. It wasn’t really punk rock but the age crowd is 20-30’s usually when sometimes the Cubby Hole is 30-beyond. Also, a party worth mentioning is Choice Cunts ran by the Gaysha which is a monthly “raw party for rare queers”. Sometimes it only has like 20-30 people at the party other times it can have 300 – it’s a real hit or miss but it’s worth checking out if you’re around. It’s mostly girls but there’s sometimes a handful of gay boys. It’s about as alternative as the queer scene gets in Brooklyn.
So tonight I hung out with some friends. And the topic of dating came up. It got me to thinking. I have to learn all over this process and look for (yes non crazy ones) but “straight” girls. After six years of telling myself that I don’t need to date these ladies, I’m having to go back and learn to do that very thing.
After looking at my past relationships, I noticed some trends that I have always needed to get away from. But tonight it really hit me like a ton of bricks, I’m so looking in the wrong place for someone. Quite possibly it’s a lot of wrong timing. So has been the story of my life.
Oh, I have an appointment with the therapist on Friday. It got moved back. We’ll see what happens. And I have a doctor’s appointment later this morning for all this stomach mess. Wish me luck.
After 12 hours of airports, planes, and being smelly, I have arrived.
Kara says:
I was concerned that the weather would hold you up
Amanda says:
and with some Eckhart Tolle reading under my belt
It didn’t hold me up, but it made the lift off in Hali a little unsettling.
How was your day dear?
Kara says:
My day was great, I had a little coffee downtown with a little company. Did some laundry, planned a coffee date for the morning. Now I just have to pack and I’ll be all ready for my adventure tomorrow.
Amanda says:
Oh that’s right you are heading to Moncton?
Kara says:
mmm I think I may pass on the fishing for the time being, I’ve got a lot of drunk-ing to do in Moncton, and a lot of shopping.
Amanda says:
I wish I was talented enough to make Christmas presents… alas, I’ve never faired well with popsicle sticks and school glue.
Kara says:
ooo me too… me and glitter do not get along.
Kara says:
So… I’m assuming you have a schedule of some sort for your days in Fredericton?
Amanda says:
Yeah, right. Do you know me at all? I have two speaking commitments, but other than that I plan on being whimsical.
Kara says:
Sherri told me to tell you today that you have to stop by and see her… so that makes 3 speaking commitments.
Amanda says:
ha ha ha. She is basically the PFLAG mother of the year, I’m sure she doesn’t need an education.
Kara says:
Amanda says:
So the media is talking about how hard it for gay people to be out and actors
Kara says:
Do you find it hard?
Amanda says:
Kara says:
really though…
Amanda says:
I’m not a famous actor, dipshit.
Kara says:
we’re obviously not actors…but generally speaking…
Amanda says:
Do I find it hard being out and in the media
Sure I’ve got some worries.
I’m all about greatest good for the greatest number
Golden Rule or some shit.
Kara says:
I have never really found my sexuality to be a stumbling block, I lost a couple of friends when I was first figuring it out… but other then that…in my professional career, no, people find it interesting in my trade.
Amanda says:
Colin Firth is out there talking about it because he is playing George Falconer from Christopher Isherwood’s 1964 novel. I think he was a professor. I don’t know much about it.
Kara says:
So this is something I can’t relate to, what worries you about being out in the media, and why is it hard for actors?
Amanda says:
Maybe it’s the novelty. If you think about the number of movies that come out a year and then think of the same number of movies that are mainstream that have gay themes or characters, I think it’s getting way better, but still noticeably less.
However, I loved “Precious” last night.
Kara says:
scale of 1-10, how was it?
Amanda says:
I would honestly say 9 the curveballs kept coming and it was very uncomfortable to watch at times
which I think is important.
you and the fucking scales.
But she goes on this tirade about ‘homos’
Loved it.
Amanda says:
If I explain too much I will ruin the movie, but she’s just pointing out that generally ‘homos’ aren’t the troublemakers.
Kara says:
Interesting, very interesting. So do you feel like if we had more gay characters, more gay themed movies, and shows, that life would be easier for the out and proud actors?
Kara says:
because gay people would be less taboo
Amanda says :
I love how you interrogate me like I have all the answers. You’re an asshole slash I love you.
Yes, I think it would make it easier.
and better if it wasn’t always explicitly a ‘gay’ movie.
Amanda says:
Although I like that
I like subverting these labels more
and having lots of diverse images.
ethnicities. etc.
Amanda says:
A friend passed along a really great article to me and I want everyone to take a look at it and wonder if we would be as forgetful if we had more creative and media content around issues like these that we forget:
I’ve taken an opportunity to reexamine the controversial comments of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. And, as a result of taking another look at his words, I’ve changed my mind and I think he was pretty much on target with what he said (even if it may come at a bit of a political cost). Reid is right when he speaks of the obstructionists who are akin to those who barked against women’s rights, the Civil Rights Movement, the movement to abolish slavery and the movement for fundamental fairness for GLBTs (gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender). We hear the same words: slow down, lets take it slow, lets take a closer look, we’re moving too fast, it’s too soon, be patient, things will work out … blah, blah, blah.
The Senate Majority Leader is right as you read the comments he made that has pushed him into the spotlight.
“Instead of joining us on the right side of history, all the Republicans can come up with is, ’slow down, stop everything, let’s start over.’ If you think you’ve heard these same excuses before, you’re right,” Reid said Monday. “When this country belatedly recognized the wrongs of slavery, there were those who dug in their heels and said ’slow down, it’s too early, things aren’t bad enough.’”
He continued: “When women spoke up for the right to speak up, they wanted to vote, some insisted they simply, slow down, there will be a better day to do that, today isn’t quite right.
“When this body was on the verge of guaranteeing equal civil rights to everyone regardless of the color of their skin, some senators resorted to the same filibuster threats that we hear today.”
Note that conservatives latched onto the race aspect of what Reid said and all but ignored the full context of what he said when he talked about the rights of women as well? You can believe this is no accident. Once again, the diversity-lacking Republicans are trying to use race as a way of attacking black people and fueling resentment in the hearts of some whites who might be predisposed with the election of Barack Obama.
In what is an almost balanced story (that is saying something for Fox News) comes an interesting comment that puts it all in perspective:
Richard Harpootlian, former chairman of the South Carolina Democratic Party, said the comparison was a sign of “silly season in Washington.”
“We see Harry Reid saying silly things on one side, we see Republicans talking about killing grandma on the other — wake up, Washington,” he said.
So true in some ways, but in other ways I can understand where Sen. Reid is coming from with his statement.
Harpootlian does have a point in that the rhetoric is getting wild.
Femme Fans, did you see this f*^$@&g whore Tila Tequila try to come for me?? LMAO!! She could never…Anyways, LGBT members attacked the cyber slut late this evening after she posted some annoying tweets about “For the love of Ray J” winner Cocktail. I think its fair to say people are tired of this bitch trying to stir the pot for attention…… Anyways, since she wants to try and put people on front street (even though she aint shit) I thought I would return the favor!! Heres pictures of our little Miss Tila Tequila WITH DRINK IN HER HAND….TWICE! So much for a being ” ALLERGIC TO ALCOHOL” LIAR!
picture # two is a collage of this hoe indulging in alcoholic beverages:
With this being said….you’ve got glass all around you bitch!! Stop throwing stones!
Doesn’t that feel good Richard? The transformation is a deliciously wonderful experience. It was
subtly different for each of us, but we all agreed it was the best feeling we had ever had. Well,
now you are the same as us, we are going to do a few things to each other that feel almost
as good. We want you to experience every sensuous inch of your new equipment. Julie has a
few toys that you just have to try out.
You’ve now completed your initiation into our feminised sisterhood. You will live with us now,
and we share everything with each other. We’ll show you just how much more fun being a girl
is than your boring male life. I think tonight we’ll let you rest and explore. But tomorrow, you
are going to have a night that you will never, ever forget…
Dahlia Grey, Anita Blond, Nikita, Vicca, Taylor St Claire
As many of you know by now, a new law has been proposed in Uganda that would sentence any repeat offender of “homosexual acts,” or any HIV-positive person who engaged in a homosexual act to death by hanging. As if this weren’t bad enough, the proposed law would sentence any person who has knowledge of homosexual acts to 3 years in prison. This is the greatest offense on LGBT rights in the world to date. It would codify DEATH as a punishment for any person who actively lives a gay lifestyle and can not be tolerated. It sets a terrible precedent for all countries in the world.
American LGBT groups have been astonishingly silent about their views on the new law. HRC, The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, and other prominent groups have yet to even issue a press release on the law, let alone publicly announce any kind of strategy to work to keep the law from being passed. Gays and lesbians in Uganda are facing the removal of their most basic right, the right to live, and the American groups that supposedly champion gay and lesbian rights have not done anything? That is appalling. How can these groups call for equality in the United States while members of our community in Africa face a law that calls for their execution? If a law like this was proposed in the United States, groups like HRC and The Task Force would quickly mobilize and work tirelessly to ensure that it did not pass. What makes the members of our community in Uganda any less worthy? Why do they not deserve something as simple as even a message of support from the groups? Volunteers? Anything? The lack of action on the part of the groups is disgusting and I hope that as the importance of the issue continues to grow, I certainly hope United States LGBT organizations step up to the plate to help Ugandans.
However, LGBT organizations are not alone in their silence. The United States Administration has yet to do anything substantative to attempt to prohibit passage of the law. Other countries around the world have taken such steps: Sweden has threatened to cut aid to Uganda over the law and the UK has vowed to lobby against its passage. What is the US doing? Absolutely. Nothing. Surprised? Me neither. Given his less than stellar record on delivering promises to the LGBT community (DOMA? DADT? Anyone?) I am not surprised that Obama has remained tight-lipped on the issue. However, frequent White House visitor Rick Warren and US conservative group The Family have been linked to the proposed law, which implicates Obama, the administration, and the US government as a whole on an entirely different level. Not only should the US be publicly denouncing the proposed law, but we should be threatening to cut aid should the law pass.
The United States, both the governmental and non-governmental sectors, need to work together with the international community to keep this law from passing in Uganda, and the complete lack of action thus far on the part of both sectors is a disgrace to the United States’ commitment to human rights.
Easter break provided us with the first weekday that allowed our schedules to mesh. Carly’s husband was in China tending to IT business for 3 weeks. H and V had the week off from school and studies and I closed my shop for the week. My wife had lost the weight to qualify for the 2 week cruise I promised her and a “friend”. Her friend turned out to be the trainer I had hired! Some thanks, huh? Well, thankfully, we had signed a pre-nuptial agreement before marriage, providing a division of our assets. My wife was a trust fund baby and she didn’t want my grubby hands in it. My shop is very lucrative finally and she has no access to it either. So the ensuing separation and subsequent divorce will be fairly clean, except for any lingering emotions.
I never have told her about my weekend CC company and though she suspects that I am having an affair, she hasn’t pursued any avenues trying to prove one. She believes that the status quo works, so why fuck with it. Apparently her “Spidey Sense” isn’t tingling. She is looking better now that she has lost the weight, but the partnership is ruined between us. If I want a female friend without benefits, I can find one.
My tryst week is now planned and I am aching with desire. I’ve spent a couple of nights with Carly already, but the prospect of spending a week with her, V and H is intoxicating. Carly is a sizzling hot, 38 year old MILF, and her daughter, Vanessa is just a younger version. Heather is the fastest, hottest 18 year old I’ve ever had the occasion to feast on. These 3 will rub my cock raw this coming week and I can’t wait to feel the burn!
Good Friday is only 2 days away. My wife’s bags are packed and she is flying out tonight. She and the trainer are leaving here in an hour and I can’t wait. I see them off and then give Heather a call. “Hey, whatcha doing tonight? The wife just left and I have a couple of nights before going over to Carly’s.”
H says, “I’m done for the next 2 weeks and I should be able to come over. I’ll tell my dad that I’m going to your place to keep you company while your wife is away. He doesn’t like it, but at least I’m honest with him.”
“OK, I’ll see you in about an hour or so?”
“Yeah, I’ll be there in about an hour. You want my maid outfit, or my school girl outfit?”
“May I have both?”
Giggling, she replies, “Sure! I’d be glad to satisfy 2 of your fetishes, one per day!”
“Fantastic! I can’t wait! Let’s do the maid first and then the school girl, OK?”
“You are a dirty old man, aren’t you?”
“Old man, yes; dirty, no!”
“See you soon, daddy.”
“Yes baby, soon.”
She really knows how to stoke my fire. I have a few light cleaning chores for her to do and that will allow me to fuck the maid tonight. Tomorrow, I have some school lessons that are going to take all day to teach and she isn’t going to be a good girl. These are my two serious kinks, maids and schoolgirls; she does both quite well.
I climb into the shower, so as not to be “dirty”. I give myself an enema and then commence to wash myself thoroughly. My cock is rock hard as I arrange the “chores” for the maid to do. I have a mental list: dust all knick knacks in the office, high and low; empty waste cans; scrub bathroom floor on hands and knees; and wash the dishes in the nude, except for her heels. It is just a short list, but one that is sure to get a rise out of me. LOL!
I dry off and comb my hair. I spray a small amount of BOD cologne on and throw my robe on. Slippers complete the ensemble and I settle in front of the TV until she arrives. Heather walks right in and states, “Hello sir, is my list prepared?’ She is a vision of pure lust: tight maid dress (black and white), very short; thong panties, red; and five inch stilettos. Her hair is pulled into two pigtails, one each on either side of her head. The black, wire rimmed glasses are a seductive touch that does not go unnoticed.
“Yes, it is. Do you have pen and paper ready for the dictation?”
“Yes,” as she removes a pen from her pussy and a notepad from between her breasts.
I list the chores from memory and she writes them down. Oh, you are a dirty old man!
She begins dusting, and I feign watching the TV. Every time she bends over, my eyes are glued to her ass. And what a hard round ass it is. I watch as she completes the first chore and moves on to the waste cans. She always bends over at the waist to pick up the cans and then she takes them, individually to the outdoor disposal. After the first can, I tell her to remove her thong. She complies happily and resumes her duties. Each bending action displays both her ass and her pussy to me. She is such a tease. Her trips outdoors are now a little more exciting for her as the neighbors see her passage to and from.
Now that the trash is completed, she fills the bucket with warm water and Simple Green cleaner and grabs a scrub brush. She gets down on all fours and begins to clean the bathroom floor. I stand behind her in the doorway and admire the fine sight before me. I grab a seat on the toilet and bend down to grab a handful of her ass. She keeps on working as if I wasn’t even there. I allow my hand to roam until my fingers reach her pussy. It is already dripping wet as I slide one, then two fingers inside her. This causes her to pause, but she soon resumes her chore. Each scrubbing motion from her causes a stroking motion by me. By the time she is finished the floor, she has orgasmed twice.
Now that the floor is done and she is warmed up, she asks me to help her undress for her final chore. The only thing remaining is the tight dress top and I help her yank free from it. Her perky breasts bounce free as the dress is removed and she heads for the kitchen. She finds the dishes already soaking in the sink and turns to thank me. She throws her arms around my neck, kisses my full on the mouth and presses her body against mine. She feels my erection and smiles. H turns to the chore at hand and I stay directly behind her. As she washes the first glass, I grab her ass and caress it. My hands kneading her cheeks and separating them, causing her goose bumps to rise. I position my now throbbing cock between her legs and push into her soaking wet, dripping pussy. The heels make her pussy just the right height to allow my entrance without being awkward. I stroke into her fully and she nearly drops the glass.
“Don’t break anything, or you’ll pay dearly for it!”
“Uhhhnnn, yes sir!”
I stroke that sweet young ass the entire time she is doing the dishes. She swirls her hands around the soapy water looking for anything she may have missed and is rewarded with a small shot glass. As she is rinsing it, I begin to pound her mercilessly, and as fate would have it, she drops the glass into the sink and it shatters into many pieces.
“Bitch! Now you’ve done it! Now for your punishment!”
I withdraw from her pussy and immediately force my entrance into her ass. She screams out in pain as the wide 7” monster fully stretches her ass to its extent. I continue to push inside until I am balls deep. As I pull back out, I hear her “Uhhhnnn” again. Then as I thrust forward, she pushes back to meet my thrusts. I fuck her ass until I shoot my load in her and allow my cock to soften and be expelled by her muscles. She lovingly kneels down and sucks my cock clean and restores it to its original hardness.
I return to the couch and tell her when she gets the mess cleaned up, to come in to the den and ride my disco stick. She chuckles at this and obeys. In a few minutes she is standing before me, bending over to re-energize my cock and then she turns around and sits down, and impaling herself fully. Now it’s my turn to make noises, “Uhhhnnn!”
She fucks me for all she’s worth and I once again cum inside her, only this time I fill her pussy full. She gets up and goes to the shower for a quick douche and enema and returns, freshened up and I tell her that since her chores are done, she may now ask me to do a few things. She asks if I will feast on her pussy as she lies back on the bed and spreads her legs so wide as if she doing a split while lying on her back. I oblige her and commence to lick, suck, bite and probe her pussy. All the attention causes her to first orgasm and then squirt. As I lap her love juices up, I caress her clit with my right hand. This brings her to orgasm one more time and she asks me to feast once more. I return to her pussy and also include her ass. There is nothing sweeter than a fresh fucked, fresh cleansed ass on a barely legal teenage girl. Her ass and pussy could satisfy me for many weeks. I’ve been eating and fucking this beauty for over 4 months and I never tire of her. The only way it is any better, is when her friend is over and we are both feasting on her at the same time.
Now that the chores are all done, and her pussy and ass are finely eaten, I take the liberty of entering her in the missionary position. This is truly my favorite position for someone for who I have some feelings for. It is in this position that I can truly make love to my partner and allow my body to penetrate both her pussy and her mouth. Long, slow, sensuous strokes transmit my passion and love to her. She knows I love her and I tell her so. I know this won’t last forever, but I want the time spent to be full of our lovemaking.
After we make love, we curl up together and I hold her tight to me as we drift off to sleep. The next morning, we shower together, have a quickie in the shower and then have breakfast in the nude. You must have a hearty breakfast in order to learn your lessons properly. She excuses herself and says she needs to get dressed for school. I also must get dressed and go to my room. I tell her that class will be in the den today and to meet me there in an hour.
I sit behind my desk and prepare my mind for the lesson today, sex education. She shows up an hour later, promptly. She has her black, grey and green plaid skirt on, pink thong, white sheer blouse, and matching pink bra, white knee highs and black and white saddle shoes. Her outfit is sexually charged and I can’t wait to teach her lessons. She takes the seat in front of the desk and sits there scissoring her legs open and closed. I see her pink thong and can’t concentrate. As I regain my thoughts, I tell her that today’s class is on sex education. She blushes and says that she has no former education in this discipline and is also a virgin, so that her experience is now not a question.
I begin with a short reading from Song of Solomon and tell her that even the Bible talks about lovemaking. We discuss the word pictures created and then launch off into the sheer mechanics of sex. I ask her if I may use her as a training aid and use a mirror so that she may see any areas that may be obscured by clothing or other body parts. She coyly agrees and I ask her to sit on my desk. She complies. I ask her to allow me to remove her panties so I can show her the first lesson. She stands and allows me to draw them off her hips and down her legs. They are already damp and her scent is heady. She retakes her seat on my desk and spreads her legs.
I use a metal pointer and begin to show her the different parts of her pussy. This is your clitoris and she shudders as I touch it. These are your vulva, as I slip the pointer around them. Inside here is your vaginal cavity, as I slip the pointer inside her. She gasps at its intrusion but allows me to continue. “Can you feel it inside you?”
“Yes, Uhhhnnn, I can.”
“Now, you feel how it stopped moving?”
“That’s your cervix, the opening to your uterus, or womb.”
Now that we’ve investigated a female’s parts, let me show you the male’s apparatus. I unbuckle my belt and undo the button. As I pull my zipper down, I glance up and notice that her eyes are following its path to the bottom of the track. My slacks fall to my ankles and then I step out of them, bend over to pick them up and folding them, place them on the desk. My erection is visible beneath my boxers and I pull them down also, causing it to spring to life.
I grab the main shaft and state, “This is the penis. And below that are the testicles.”, as I grasp them also. “A man has sperm that travels from the testicles to the head of this shaft. As you can see, it appears to be a long sword shaped appendage.”
“Now for the basic mechanics of sex: a man sees a female that is attractive to him. This attraction affects his brain chemistry causing a flow of body chemicals called hormones. These hormones make certain parts of the body leap into action. This is what causes the hardening of the penis. The man takes his penis and inserts it between a woman’s vulva lips into her vagina. Due to the large number of nerve endings inside her vaginal walls, she becomes aroused by the feeling of his penis inside her. This causes her hormones to create a different set of signals and reactions, among which are: wetness, rapid breathing, and maybe even an orgasm.”
“The man may also have an orgasm, and in doing so, his body sends his sperm in motion to the head of the penis with such force that they are expelled inside the woman’s vagina. These little sperm travel to the cervix and then inside the womb in search of an egg to fertilize. If there is no egg, they cease to exist and are expelled in due time. If there is an egg and they meet, a baby can be formed.”
“Now that we’ve covered the basics, do you have any questions?”
“No, that seems quite basic, and easy to understand. What is the next lesson about?”
“It’s about the finer points of making love. Not just how the parts fit, but how to really treat your partner to gain full enjoyment. And after that we will have a lab, so that we can show we were listening and are able to practice or newly learned lessons.”
“Ahhh, labs, I love them,” as she playfully nibbles on her pencil’s eraser.
“In this final lesson, I’ll describe some actions that will make your experiences a little more enjoyable. First item: the mind, you must treat your partner with respect and kindness. This keeps the mind looking forward to a pleasurable time. Then you want to use your hands to lightly touch your partner in a non-sexual way. Don’t appear to be too anxious, be respectful. Use your lips to kiss and caress the body. No need to rush and no need to feel embarrassed by where your lips, tongue and hands go at this point. Your partner will signal you when you are in the right places.”
“Your limits are set by your partner, explore anywhere and everywhere. Start near the head and work your way over the entire body, slowly making your way to the spot between their legs. A girl can take a man’s penis in her mouth and with practice, down her throat. This causes the man to experience great pleasure. It may even cause him to eject sperm into her mouth. Many women enjoy the taste of sperm and desire to please their men so that they can have some.”
A man can provide a woman with her equivalent of this pleasure by using his tongue, lips, teeth and fingers to kiss, suck, bite and enter her vagina, and massage both the vulva and the clitoris. The sensations that are produced cause the woman to become very wet and orgasm, hopefully many times in a row. The secretion that is produced is found to be very desired by the man as the taste is exquisite. Even other women and the woman herself may enjoy its flavor.”
“Once the man and woman have had enough oral stimulation, they may want to have intercourse, placing his penis inside her vagina, now that it is soaking wet. The slipperiness causes the action to be very smooth in and out. The sensations cause both to orgasm if done with care and consideration, and is highly desirable to occur together or in close succession.”
“Do you have any questions?”
“Yes. So you are saying that my tongue can go anywhere?”
“Anywhere your partner allows. Just use your imagination.”
“So, if I want to touch his butt, I can?”
“If he (or she) is OK with that, and you desire to do that, go for it!”
“Mmmmm, I may just try that during the lab. Speaking of that, who are the lab partners?”
“At the moment, just you and I; unless another student comes to class, then we’ll either switch off partners, or make it a threesome.”
“Now it’s time for lunch break, and afterwards we’ll start the lab, unless you have more questions. Just remember, you can still ask questions during the lab, while everyone is still available.”
I go to the kitchen and fix a small salad with oil and vinegar. Heather disappeared and then returned to also have a salad. Her outfit is still the same except her thong is still off. We eat together at the table and we make teacher-student chit chat. She can’t believe that they actually have labs in her class and she is getting excited (and a little wet) just thinking about it. I ask to see and she spreads her legs and shows me her glistening, shaved and swollen pussy. I remark that I love the way a pussy tastes and she blushes. “go ahead, put your fingers inside and then put them in your mouth.”
She inserts two fingers just inside and then pulls them out, very wet. She cautiously touches them to her lips and uses her tongue to tentatively taste them. “Mmmmm, that is tasty!”
“You like that, huh?”
“I can’t wait to taste more, and to taste you!”
“Heather, honey, I can’t wait to taste you either.”
“Lunch will be over in fifteen minutes and we’ll get started on the lab. I’ll be in the classroom until then, if you need me, or want to start early. The more time we spend in lab, the more you’ll learn.”
“OK, I’ll be right in.”
I enter the class and strip off my remaining clothing, folding it neatly and placing it on the desk. I pull a large inflated mattress from a closet and spread the sheets and blankets on it. Then I lay down on it and await my lab partner’s arrival. She enters the room a minute later and stands in front of me to strip. She does so with a devilish grin on her face. I ask her to leave her stilettos and knee highs on, and she acquiesces. She kneels down next to me and traces a dampened finger up and down my arm. Then she puts it back in her pussy and places it on my lips. I suck her finger clean. She leans in and kisses my lips and then my neck. She moves slowly to each of my nipples and suckles them, causing my cock to strain to new heights. Her hand gently caresses it, causing it to begin to throb. She shows my cock her red lips and then gently kisses the head. Then, without much ado, she engulfs my entire length to the balls, without choking. Her ruby red lips enticing my eyes by their actions and appearance. The feeling of her throat wrapped around my thick cock, cause me to cum sooner than I wanted. The first spurt does choke her, but then she allows the rest to fill her hungry mouth. She then leans back and tells me that its my turn now.
I spend a lot of time and attention on her breasts. I’m not a breast man, but know a woman likes it. Her 34 C cup is perfect and I tug on her nipples with my teeth eliciting a yelp from her. I chuckle and kiss my way to her navel and then to her perfect, pulsating pussy. It is so wet and the smell is heavenly. I bypass it briefly to run my tongue around her ass hole and then dive right into her pussy. I then concentrate on her clit and insert 2 fingers inside to manipulate her into an orgasm. She cums with a great shudder and just as I’m about to feast on this meal, I hear Vanessa’s voice, “Am I too late for class?”
“Why no, dear, did you do the required reading?”
“Yes sir, I did. I know I should take my time and woe my partner, but I see you’ve already done that for me.” Standing there before me, looking every bit like Heather’s twin with regard to her clothing.
“Just remove all your clothing except for your knee highs and your stilettos. Then you may begin wherever you want.” She removes the appropriate articles and I see her glistening, weeping pussy, and can’t wait to taste it. She kneels down between H’s legs and begins to feast on her pussy. I lay down on my back, behind V, and insert my tongue into her pussy. She giggles a little and continues to enjoy her lunch of Heather’s pussy.
As she nears her own orgasm, I relent and turn around to enter her pussy with my cock. I drive all the way inside in one quick motion and hear her cry out as the orgasm hits her. The convulsing vagina brings my own orgasm near and I stroke just a few times to end my ache. As I lay on the floor afterwards, the two girls turn their attentions on me, putting into practice the lessons from the morning session.
After 4 hours of lab time, I announce that both my students have passed with straight A’s. There is a special present I’d like to give them, but it requires that they assume a special position. I tell them to bend over and grab your ankles. I then apply each girl’s pussy juice to her asshole and then proceed to ass fuck each one, first H for a minute and then V for a minute. I state that the girl that makes me cum first gets to have her cream pie eaten by the other. Their assholes perform superbly and I am having problems with restraint. After 10 minutes, I am ready to go. I almost fill V, but the timer rings and I end up inside H when the explosion occurs. As I fill H’s ass full of cum, V lies on her back on the mat and awaits her next meal. H straddles V’s face and allows the cum to ooze from her ass into V’s mouth. Then she sits on V’s face while V sucks the remaining cum from her ass. She retains some in her mouth and kisses H, swapping it into her mouth so she can enjoy it also. These two lovely teens, embraced in a lesbian french kiss are my star pupils.
I’m glad this isn’t the end, but only the beginning of a long week of unbridled, uninhibited, wild sex. A week full of vaginal and anal sex, lesbian sex, hetero sex, and some incest, a week where we will fuck our brains out and fuck our bodies raw. The rest of the night we spend caressing and exploring each other’s bodies with our tongues, lips and fingers.
Veteran actress Meredith Baxter, best known as matriarch Elyse Keaton on the classic ’80s sitcom Family Ties, came out of the closet in a Today Show interview this morning.
I haven’t even thought about her for nearly two decades, as rude as that sounds. She’ll always be Alex’s nerdy ex-hippie mom to me…she was perfect in that part. Why didn’t she come out sooner, though? If it were me, I would have said I was a lesbian shortly after Ellen DeGeneres did, so that it would have just gotten lost in the shuffle of her drama. That way, I could just go on with the rest of my life without making too big a deal out of “revealing” my sexuality.
Call me cynical, but the timing of it reeks of a publicity stunt with the goal of revitalizing a flagging career. I know that gay actors couldn’t risk being truthful about their orientation in the ’80s, and even for much of the ’90s. But c’mon, Ms. Baxter! We’ve lived in the new millennium for nearly 10 years now; you’ve had at least that much time to feel safe with being openly homosexual in Hollywood. Why only now are you being honest about who you are?
Dec. 1 marks the 21st celebration of World AIDS Day, an international day to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS.
Worldwide 33.4 million people live with HIV/AIDS, according to international AIDS charity, AVERT. Of those 33.4 million people, 1 million live in the United States. Every year the United States adds 56,000 people to that number.
To bring the number closer to home, 15,412 Ohioians live with HIV/AIDS, according to the Ohio Department of Health. In Hamilton County, 1,949 people live with HIV/AIDS. Other urban areas across the state also have staggering statistics: Cuyahoga County, home to Cleveland, has 3,298 people living with HIV/AIDS, while Franklin County, home to Columbus, has 3,023 people.
The AIDS epidemic took the world by surprise. There still is no cure for HIV/AIDS. The treatment is very expensive, and most people have limited or no access to the life-prolonging drug cocktails. It is no surprise more than 25 million people have died of AIDS since 1981, when the first HIV/AIDS cases were brought to light.
After many years of research, researchers have discovered HIV is spread through contact with an infected person’s blood, semen, vaginal secretions or breast milk, usually during unprotected genital contact, sharing syringes or needles and, less frequently, blood transfusions.
Currently, prevention and early detection are becoming the route to battle AIDS. Local organizations like Stop AIDS provide free, confidential testing at their offices and in mobile testing centers. The University of Cincinnati Wellness Center even partners with Stop AIDS quarterly to bring the free testing directly to students in University Health Services.
Knowing your status is integral to stopping the spread of HIV, well, knowledge and having protected sex.
The UC Wellness Center also provides three free condoms a day to students, as well as other goodies such as lube, dental dams, adhesive bandages and pain reliever. A student simply has to pop into the office in 675 Steger Student Life Center to pick up the swag and help stop the spread of HIV. Other organizations such as Planned Parenthood also distribute condoms or safe sex packs.
McMicken Commons at the University of Cincinnati is decorated with red ribbons for World AIDS Day.
Stop AIDS also provides other services in addition to free testing, including educating community members on how to access treatment and other services while having HIV/AIDS. Services like financial counseling, transportation, housing assistance and chemical and alcohol dependency are among the array offered by Stop AIDS. For more information call 513-421-2437.
Other programs like syringe exchange programs swap used syringes for sterile ones with intravenous drug users. The reasoning behind these programs is people are using intravenous drugs and spreading HIV/AIDS in the process. By offering a needle exchange, these groups are not promoting drug use, but decreasing the risk of contracting blood borne pathogens like HIV. Currently, Cincinnati has no such program, and 7 percent of Ohio’s HIV/AIDS cases can be credited to intravenous drug use.
In honor of World AIDS Day, people across the globe hold vigils or services in honor of World AIDS Day. Red ribbons are everywhere, even University of Cincinnati’s McMicken Commons had them. Facebook statuses, Tweets and blogs are devoted to the topic or go red for the day.
While all of this awareness raising is good, where is the action?
Wearing a red ribbon will not eradicate HIV/AIDS, but getting tested, having protected sex and using sterile syringes will curb the spread of HIV. There is no cure. Our only option is to prevent it.
Tomorrow is December 1st which means it’s World AIDS Day. While that may sound slightly depressing it’s actually a good cause to educate people about the facts regarding HIV and AIDS while also celebrating the lives of those who have been infected.
Fresno’s event will be at the Tower Theater from 5:30 to 8:30 PM (non sequitur warning: did anyone know that Fresno’s new tourism slogan is “California’s year-round playground”? Props for the internal rhyme, epic fail for being completely untrue/sidenote) . So show up with your red ribbons and support a good cause.