Saturday, October 31, 2009

Do What You Will, This World's A Fiction And Is Made Up Of Contradiction.

Oct 31st 2009

Boo! Halloween is upon us all…

I’m thankful for within my mind, some true peace has begun to take root…And once again, I can actually hear beautiful music playing in my head much of the time…A curse is lifting! Because my mind can become a treacherous place before I know it, filled to the brim with incessant and repetitious thinking…Although, I’ve been told that obsessive thinking is nothing uncommon for people like me…Although I’m diligent about overcoming the wreckage…

This has been a busy week for me, but worthwhile and good nonetheless…

I am actually getting the hang of being a day person after all! And definitely beginning to relinquish my nebulous ways, finally! This was the first (difficult) choice I had to make, when considering transformation for myself…To stop living and working through the night, when much of the world was sleeping…But honestly, I’ve always been happiest living under the moon, I did my sleeping while the sun was shining and while the rest of the world was living…I don’t believe that I was hiding from life and the sun necessarily, as much as it’s just my natural way to spend my life in the moonlight…The adjustment hasn’t been easy whatsoever but it has been rewarding…An advantageous arrangement, I would say…

I’m becoming acquainted with consistency and routine…I’m am becoming stable! Consistency and routine have been absent throughout my entire life, but I’m welcoming to both these days…It’s a wonderful but strange feeling to be so far removed from the instability I’ve always known before…

My ever-growing relationship with my Higher Power is the key…This relationship brings forth grace and releases me from self-destruction, it releases me from the desire to be perfect…By understanding it’s simply about the progress that I make and not about the perfection after all…The desire to be perfect at anything or attempting to be perfect for anyone is quite the character flaw actually…Thus perfection is deceptive! Knowing, but most importantly ‘remembering’ this lifts me out of despair. Oh the damage that despair can do to a soul is infinite! Because it was despair that led me to keep my vulnerabilities and needs a secret from other people, which then led me to being completely incapable of true intimacy with other’s, which led me to the desire to isolate myself from them, which then ultimately led to such loneliness…The most painful feeling a human being can endure is loneliness…I could be in a room with 500 people who loved and adored me and I would still feel all alone *sigh* I suppose without the ability to trust people, it’s not possible to believe they can love you either…So, if you’re a person (like myself) that has felt unworthy of anything that’s worth having. Plus, you aren’t capable of trust either…How can Hope persevere? How can Love persist?

The answer for me and many other’s struggling through life, is the 12 steps…When our spiritual revolutions begin…It’s hitting our bottoms, the lowest point throughout our lives, where we simply give up entirely…When you hit your personal bottom, where else do you have to go, than up? When you’ve hit the place where it becomes emotionally impossible to sink down any further and remain among the living…This is where our (collective) glimmer of hope comes into view. I suppose that many people will just give up and turn their heads away, refusing to see it…While some of us are most grateful for the glimmer of light peering through the darkness and choose to follow where it leads…This becomes our new beginning! This is the point where we evolve into maturity and transformation begins…The place where we begin to trust and we find ourselves in the hands of a loving God…

I respect religion, but only to a point…When it becomes less about your individual and personal relationship with the God of your understanding and more about politics and a God that is hell-bent (pardon the pun) on punishment and undue destruction. Rather than a God that corrects and disciplines us with love…By letting us think for ourselves and then letting us suffer the consequences…By learning our life lessons from falling down so often, as the mortal beings we are after all, but unconditionally give’s us a Divine hand to get back up again afterwards…Respectfully, I’ve come to believe that this is how our relationship with God deepens and ripens…But, the whole notion of my God is better than your God is redundant and I shall differ from the proud and arrogant who believe in these very profound ways…

Chaz Bono

A while back, I wrote about Chastity Bono and her journey to manhood as “Chaz” Bono.  Her decision to become male was the least newsworthy even that week but I couldn’t pass up on commenting about it.  And maybe for her and the GLBT community, that was the point.

Well, Chaz is in the news again, garnering some prominence on CNN with a status update on “his” progress.  Wow!  Newsworthy?  Again, No!  Comment worthy?  Of course.

So here’s what Chaz had to say (in part):

“I always felt like the male from the time I was a child,” he said. “There wasn’t much feminine about me.”

“I believe that gender is something between your ears, not between your legs. That is something I discovered in the early ’90s. It was just a long process of being comfortable enough to do something about it.”

Really?  Why do anything about it?  If gender is really “between your ears”, then by your own admission, you were already a male.  You would medically and surgically alter what you received genetically to fit a mental image of who and what you are.  Pray that you don’t one day wake up and realize that you are indeed a female.  It’s not like changing shoes.  And I know, the process is long and involves evaluations before this can be done.  That’s not to say that things won’t change later.

I know someone who claims to be suffering from gender dysphoria and my challenge to this person was that the mental state is what needed to change, not the physical state.  Amazing thing, Chastity, that you were willing to take male hormones and have your body altered to become what you felt in your mind you should be—but were apparently unwilling to keep your body and to instead take female hormones to better become what you already were.

I am no more an expert on the subject than you are, but clearly, if it’s in the head, isn’t that the easier place to start with a change?


Thursday, October 29, 2009

29 October 2009

Good evening all,

Well, the kid in me just has to say… one more sleep.
That’s right… tomorrow evening, the wife and I will be flying to South Africa for a whistle-stop tour of the coastal cities. Not really, but hell… I think that it really is going to feel that way after a few days. On our list of places to go is Johannesburg (admittedly, only the customs queue, but if they are having a strike… as they have had the last FIVE times we have flown through… it FEELS like forever.), East London (where the bulk of the visit takes place) and a family road trip that will take in Knysna and some other places in the Eastern Cape. Lastly, we get to fly to Cape Town to hook up with our old roommate, his girlfriend (soon to be wife) and their sprog.

(You know we’re looking forward to seeing all the new additions to the Bear Family Squire.)

So, things have been a little busy, what with the list of jobs and niggles that need to be squared away before our trip. There is some rule that even though we won’t physically be here, we still need to pay rent on the place. (Which sucks.) And the bills need to be paid whilst we’re away. All of our classes at school need to be prepared for while we are not here and some substitute teacher takes them. (Of course, this rule doesn’t apply to everyone, and I actually was left with a class for THREE days by a colleague.. and the bastard didn’t even leave me a fucking book. Thanks “bru”. Assbag.) Still, the wife and I are getting things set up so that there is a minimum of fuss for when we return.

Let’s see. In other news, I have now received the money for the sale of my bike, and all the paperwork has cleared too. As a result of selling my bike, I have been going about on Shank’s Pony for the last week. This isn’t all that bad, as it is a 4 block walk to the MRT (Subway) station from my place, and then just a one-stop ride to my destination station, and then literally door-to-door service from the MRT to my school by bus. The trick of course is simply to work your way through a bus timetable. In Chinese.
(Is it just me, or are bus timetables the world over deliberately obtuse? When I lived in Ireland, the bus timetables there would regularly confuse the crap out of me. And there is little worse than bouncing around in sub-zero temperatures waiting for a bus that is ALREADY late, and you’re not sure will be coming anyway.)
Of course, all of this public transport has given me the chance to get re-acquainted with my iPod. Yes yes, I am one of those “anti-social” people who ignore everyone else when they travel. I’d get defensive, but more than likely, I simply don’t want to talk to you.

I am most likely NOT going to be online very much while I am in South Africa. Let’s face it, the South African concept of “broadband” in the household is that black rubber band that holds the braai wood together.
Yeah yeah, all my South African friends are going to have something to say about that, but I am going to miss the 10Mb line I have here at home. (For which I am paying a princely R180 a month for. Uncapped.)
This means that you will be without these regular blog updates for a while. As a make-up for the desertion, I will upload some semi-decent holiday shots on the next blog back.

One last bit of personal news – Bunny and JebbX have made it to the three year mark. Congrats guys.


This week’s musical contribution comes from Carl Sagan and Steven Hawking.

1. A computer error gave two women in America called Patricia the same social security number. When the two women were brought together in an office to rectify the blunder they discovered that they had both been born with the names Patricia Ann Campbell. Both of their fathers were called Robert Campbell. Their birthdays were on 13th March 1941. They had both married military men in the year 1959 (within eleven days of each other). They each had two children aged 19 and 21. They both had an interest in oil painting. Both had studied cosmetics. Both had worked as book-keepers.

2. In 1893, Henry Ziegland ended a relationship with his girlfriend. Tragically, his girlfriend took the news very badly, became distraught and took her own life. Her distressed brother blamed his sister’s death upon Henry, he went round to Henry’s house, saw him out in the garden and tried to shoot him. Luckily, the bullet only grazed Henry’s face and embedded itself in a nearby tree. In 1913, twenty years after this incident, Henry decided to use dynamite to uproot a tree in his garden. The explosion propelled the embedded bullet from the tree straight into Henry Ziegland’s head – killing him immediately.

3. On December 5th 1660, a ship sank in the straights of Dover – the only survivor was noted to be Hugh Williams. On 5th December 1767, another ship sank in the same waters – 127 lost their lives, the only survivor was noted to be Hugh Williams. On 8th August 1820, a picnic boat capsized on the Thames – there was one survivor – Hugh Williams. On 10th July 1940, a British trawler was destroyed by a German mine – only two men survived, one man and his nephew – they were both called Hugh Williams.

4. Mr McDonald was a farmer who lived in Canada – nothing extra-ordinary in that – until you learn that his postcode contained the letter sequence EIEIO.

5. In 1996, Paris police set out to investigate a late night, high speed car crash, both drivers had been killed instantly. Investigations revealed that the deceased were in fact man and wife. Police initially suspected some kind of murder or suicide pact but it became apparent that the pair had been separated for several months – neither could have known that the other would have been out driving that night – it was just a terrible coincidence.

6. Michael Dick had been travelling around the UK with his family to track down his daughter, Lisa – who he had lost contact with ten years earlier. After a long fruitless search, he approached the Suffolk Free Press, who agreed to help him by putting an appeal in their newspaper. Fortunately, his long lost daughter saw the appeal and the pair were reunited. The odd thing was, his daughter had been right behind him when the free paper took the photograph – shown in the photograph above. What are the chances of that!

7. A fifteen year old pupil at Argoed High School in North Wales was to sit his GCSE examinations in 1990. His name was James Bond – his examination paper reference was 007.

8. In 1965, at the age of four, Roger Lausier was swimming off a beach in Salem – he got into difficulties and was saved from drowning by a woman called Alice Blaise. In 1974, on the same beach, Roger was out on a raft when he pulled a drowning man from the water – amazingly, the man he saved was Alice Blaise’s husband.

9. British cavalry officer Major Summerford was fighting in the fields of Flanders in the last year of WW1, a flash of lightning knocked him off his horse and paralysed him from his waist down. He moved to Vancouver, Canada, six years later, whilst out fishing, Major Summerfield was struck by lightning again and the right side of his body became paralysed. After two years of recovery, it was a summer’s day and he was out in a local park, a summer storm blew up and Major Summerfield was struck by lightning again – permanently paralysing him. He died two years after this incident. However, four years after his death, his stone tomb was destroyed – it was struck by lightning!

10. Businessman Danie de Toit made a speech to an audience in South Africa – the topic of his speech was – watch out because death can strike you down at any time. At the end of his speech, he put a peppermint in his mouth, and choked to death on it!

This week’s PURE AWESOME video is this.

And now? PEEKCHUZZ!!

The Babysitter?

I met a hot young woman.

She is, well, the same age cohort as my babysitters. She is but two years older than The mohawked vegan, the Vista worker, the architecture student, and the one with the great tits who isn’t sure what her major will be. She is a Cute Young Thing.

Flattered, I am.

She tells me I am listed as “Hot mom” in her cell phone. She told her friends on the way home “She said she’s 40, but I don’t believe it”. One of my (so-called?) friends shot back “She is. Believe it. I was at her 40th birthday party”.

She texts. She calls. She lives in another state. Fortunately.

I have a dream that I am 50. “Gee, I don’t look 50” I say to myself as I look in the mirror. And I am completely puzzled as to where my 40’s may have slipped away to. I don’t seem to remember them at all.

She is adorable.

She would make a great babysitter. Oh, the fantasies!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Gay is ok - Congratulations Daniel and Charles

I am disgusted with the way that Kenyan journalists have covered the marriage between Charles Ngengi and Daniel Gichia, the two Kenyan men who married in London.

Listen to my podcast titled Gay is OK: hit back on Kenyan journalists about my response to Nick and Marcus on Classic FM who were gay bashing and calling Kenyans to ‘slap gays’

Why have I done this podcast? Because when good people stay silent bad people can get away with doing horrible things.

Don’t be silent – complain to the Classic FM station master Paul Illado (20) – 4447404

Fax +254 (20) – 4447411 Paul Illado (station master) and complain about Marcus and Nick for gay bashing program that calls viewers to slap gay people.

Be a proud Kenyan, Say NO to xenophobia, racism, bigotry, chauvinism, homophobia in Kenya.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

“Talking, laughing, loving, breathing, fighting, fucking crying, drinking, riding, winning, losing, cheating, kissing, thinking, dreaming”

Tekst fra ‘The L Word-sangen’, yir.

Jeg havde en særlig – i virkeligheden ret heftig periode –, hvor jeg var totalt besat af The L Word (amerikansk tv-serie about a L.A-lezbo-gang. Pretty nice, huh?). I virkeligheden finder jeg serien meget smuk.

Umiddelbart lyder serien ret banal, og folk, der ikke har set den men blot hørt om den, ville måske uden videre smide den i samme skuffe som vores egen ‘2900 Happiness’ eller nye ‘Lærkevej’. ‘The L Word’ kunne, med dens udgangspunkt, nemt være faldet i den lange række af kendte faldgruber, og være blevet en lidt for fed cocktail af ‘The Days of Our Lives’ og ‘Baywatch’… MEN. Den FALDER ikke i fælden! Den sniger sig uden om den, og dét med snilde og elegance.

OKAY. Der er måske en tand for mange sexscener med, der ingen videre betydning har for historien – i de helt katastrofale tilfælde kan man få den mistanke, at ens tv, uden man selv har lagt mærke til det, automatisk er zappet hen på TV1000’s ‘Softcore Lez-night’ i stedet. Følgeslutning: Der er meget sex i den. Noget der irriterer mig hver gang er, at der i starten af hver udsendelse er en, host, hm, “lille forfilm” – en teaser, du ved. Som om producerne regner med, alle seerne ligger derhjemme og leger med en dildo under udsendelsen, og lige ville forære os et visuelt forspil til at komme ordentlig i gang – ja, som en venlig gestus, måske? Nej, tak!

Nå. Men UDOVER det. Så synes jeg, karaktererne er ret fantastiske. De har en dybde i sig, en gennemførthed og unikhed – de indeholder hver deres fantastiske og helt forfærdelige sider.

Nå, men dét jeg egentlig ville med dette indlæg var at fortælle, at jeg er TOTALT VILD MED BETTE PORTER. Hende dér^. Spillet af Jennifer Beals. Jeg fik at vide af en veninde, at det var sjældent at se én, der fulgte Bettes storyline i historien, og at de fleste generelt var mere appelleret af de “unge, lækre chicks” i historien som fx. Shane og Carmen. I dag satte jeg mig ned og tænkte lidt over, hvorfor jeg netop er så vild med lige netop Bette.

Jeg tror, det bunder i en fascination af hendes modenhed og den dér gennemgående ro, hun bærer med sig. Hendes sans for ansvarlighed og hendes beskyttende, kærlige og hjertevarme væsen. Hun har noget power – også på arbejdsfronten. Hun arbejder indenfor kunst – hun er professionel, stærk –  oftest succesfuld – og hammerdygtig karrierekvinde. Dét tiltrækker mig rigtig meget. Og så har hun på samme tid en ynde, elegance – og en skrøbelig side. En side som hun egentlig helst undertrykker og gemmer væk bag hendes panser – hvilket i virkeligheden også er én af de personlige dilemmaer, Bette gennemgående kæmper med. Og dét virker skide tiltalende. Men jeg tænker, du skal SE serien i stedet – opleve hende! Jeg er så vild med hende, og en periode følte jeg mig næsten helt forelsket i hende.

(Hurtig skør tilføjelse: Det var i sommerferien, jeg fik øjnene op for denne serie, og jeg så alle sæsoner in a row. Den fyldte SÅ meget i mit liv rent følelsesmæssigt og mentalt. De var som mine veninder – eller en del af mig (haha). Jeg følte, mit liv blev beriget, da de skulle have en baby. Jeg følte, noget dyrebart var blevet frarøvet mig, da Nina mistede sit ufødte barn. Følte mig utilstrækkelig og svigtet, da Nina fandt en mand at være sammen med i stedet for Bette (og mih, haha). Jeg kan huske, jeg følte mig glad og forelsket i livet, når Bette og Nina havde det godt. Og jeg blev deprimeret og ked af det, når de ikke var sammen (til sidst sprang jeg bare konsekvent de udsendelser over, hvor de ikke var kærester… Ha, dem har jeg faktisk aldrig fået set! Måske jeg skulle gøre det nu? – Eller måske jeg skulle vente til en dag, jeg har totalt følelsesmæssigt overskud til det. Eller måske… måske jeg bare skulle lade være… ) Tænk at jeg indrømmer det overfor jer. I må jo tænke, jeg er totalt crazy.

Well – som følge af dette indrømmer jeg gerne, at

jeg er totalt crazy. Jeg er totalt crazy med ‘The L

Word’. Jeg er totalt crazy IN LOVE with ‘The L


Swedia Perbolehkan Pernikahan Gay

Swedia Perbolehkan Pernikahan Gay

Posted: 23 Oct 2009 12:41 AM PDT

SWEDIA–Gereja Lutheran Swedia memperbolehkan melakukan perkawinan sejenis bulan depan, November 2009. Sekitar 70 persen dewan gereja menjadikannya salah satu dari beberapa gereja-gereja global untuk membolehkan pernikahan gay.

Pemerintah Swedia memperkenalkan hukum baru yang memungkinkan pasangan gay memiliki hak perkawinan yang sama seperti heteroseksual.

Tiga perempat dari Swedia adalah anggota gereja Lutheran, meskipun jemaat yang datang ke gereja rendah. Gereja Lutheran mengatakan pasangan gay sekarang bisa menikah dengan salah satu dari para imam awal November.

Gereja yang memisahkan diri dari kontrol negara pada tahun 2000, mendukung keputusan pemerintah untuk melegalkan pernikahan gay pada bulan Mei. Akan tetapi, beberapa ulama mempertanyakan apakah upacara  perkawinan  harus disediakan seperti serikat heteroseksual. Banyak yang menentang  dengan alasan itu bertentangan dengan Kitab Suci.

Menanggapi hal tersebut, Uskup Agung Swedia, Anders Wejryd, mengatakan kepada wartawan, “Bagi saya, keputusan yang benar diambil, tapi saya bisa berempati kepada banyak orang yang percaya keputusan tersebut terlalu cepat.” katanya, seperti yang dikutip dari BBC.

Komunitas  Gay Swedia, Swedia Federation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual dan Transgender Rights (RFSL), menyambut baik keputusan pemerintah melegalkan pernikahan gay di gereja.

“Kita mengucapkan selamat kepada Gereja Swedia untuk mengambil keputusan itu. Homoseksual dan biseksual anggota akhirnya akan dapat merasakan sedikit lebih diterima dalam masyarakat,” kata salah seorang komunitas itu dalam sebuah pernyataan.

Swedia adalah salah satu negara pertama yang memberikan hak secara hukum pasangan gay  pada pertengahan 1990-an, dan untuk membolehkan pasangan gay mengadopsi anak dari tahun 2002. Swedia menjadi lima negara Eropa, setelah Belanda, Belgia, Spanyol dan Norwegia, yang mengakui perkawinan sesama jenis. (Republika online, 23/10/2009)

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Whitney Houston sings for Italy, supposedly a lesbian!

Whitney Houston has been all across the news today. First she perform “Million Dollar Bill” for Italy’s X-Factor. This time less crazily. Looking nice and smooth in a white dress and a black belt. Meanwhile, former husband and bandwagoner Bobby Brown is writing a biography of sorts to support his habit, probably. In it, he says that Whitney Houston is allegedly a lesbian. Yes, he does as far as saying his former wife of many years is a homosexual. That’s fine. But, if he knew why was he still with her. What did she have to get a divorce from him. That says more about him than her. When was he in the business of outing people and has he thought of their daughter? At any rate, it won’t stop Whitney from reclaiming her throne.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Jerry Prevo's 38th Year as a Theocrat

Humanity is afforded a strange duality.

I’ve been one of a small group of folks here in Anchorage that has told Jerry Prevo, of the Anchorage Baptist Temple, to go sit in the corner.

I had never heard of the man until my (then fiance, now) wife and I attended a barbeque last spring which was a informative/social event centered on the topic of a city ordinance, which later would be revered as the controversial Ordinance 64, that extended equal protection under the law to include sexual orientation. We met a lot of amazing people that day in which we are still in close contact with.

As I’ve written before on this blog, I wasn’t particularly caught off guard by this ordinance. It seemed pretty clear that equality was a common sense concept, and this was obviously something that had just slipped through the cracks up until this point. Heather and I made sure to save the date so that we could voice our approval of patching up an archaic sleight of legislature.

When the day came to pass and we went down to the Loussac Library to attend the Assembly meeting, we were introduced to a shadowy operation, quite in the same vein as blunt force trauma to the head, by the name of the Anchorage Baptist Temple, lead by Jerry Prevo. They preached the gospel according to nuts, and stated bluntly on that occasion, among others, that homosexuality was an abomination, a perversion, you name it; it was pin the tail on the bigoted talking point.

Most of the people who regularly view this blog know exactly what became the result of those assembly meetings. Hours of scripture citations, judgments, misunderstandings, alongside the gross negligence that would tip a scale and mislead a city to believe that Leviticus, Revelations, and Deuteronomy outweigh Community.

It sickens me. I’m a straight, white man. I won’t apologize for it, as I did nothing to incur that status. But all of these other people who also were, as a majority, white heterosexuals, who showed up with hateful and mass produced signs (which we should have seen as a precursor to the health care debate) made me ashamed of myself; my color, my orientation, my being. I walked away from each Assembly meeting devastated, because the LGBT who were brave enough to come to stand up for their rights (which didn’t exist) and speak in front of a hostile crowd, and who didn’t even know if they would make it out alive – and I don’t mean to use hyperbole, the first meeting sounded like a riot was forming outside, and there were arrests – was heartbreaking for me. I had made a lot of friends over those days in the assembly chambers; friendships that I hope to report decades from now as the lasting and most fulfilling. I felt so goddamned ashamed that I couldn’t stand up and tell these bigots to shut up, go home, read a book, and get over their hate.

I’ve been reviewing the video tape of Jerry Prevo’s 38th Pastoral Anniversary. It’s been sitting on my computer for a couple weeks now. I started to look over it; to edit it. I literally ended up withdrawing from life for a week. If you are a regular to this blog and noticed that nothing new has been posted, it’s because, put blunty, shit added up.

It hurts to watch Jerry Prevo. Gryphen from the Immoral Minority asked if I wanted to come see the 38th Anniversary live; he did an amazing and brave post about it on his blog. I couldn’t imagine walking into that “church”. Alaska Commons is not an anonymous blog (probably an oversight, in retrospect) and ABT has made their disapproval of me very well known. We’ve had to go unlisted, and have had a few public issues. Even one earlier this evening, at Fred Myer, where a man locked eyes with me and stood in my way, demanding an apology.

Weird times.

I want to thank a few people. Like I said, I literally withdrew from the world this past week. I got scared. I saw the footage from the 38th Pastoral Anniversary of Jerry Prevo and I saw how some of the public who recognized my wife and me from the media surrounding the True Diversity Dinner, and I became very fearful, to the point where I holed up inside my home office and tried not to come out.

The people involved in the meeting which Heather and I attended on Friday, who are planning the next steps we can take as a community after this ugly summer, are an inspiration, and I want to publicly take the time to thank them. I won’t name names, but everyone who was there knows who they are.

Thank you.

As for the footage of the ABT 38th Pastoral Anniversary, there’s a hell of a lot of crazy. And I will get through all of it. For now, here’s a piece I put together combining the struggle for AO64 and a whole lot of crazy from the Anchorage Baptist Temple. Spread it around.

And, by the way, for the few of you out there who were fighting for equality back in the ’70s and ’90s, we’ve been doing some research. Bumper stickers are on the way.

US Capitol Rally Ignored - Fox News Hypocrites

On September 12, 2009, a rally was held in Washington D.c. Tens of thousands of people attended, with the Washington D.C. Fire Department estimating crowds at 60 – 70,000.  (The National Park Service, responsible for the Capitol and National Mall grounds, does not provide crowd estimates, nor does the Washington D.C. Police Department) Right wing commentators in the media and here on the Times Delta’s forums quickly tried to inflate those numbers to  rediculous levels of one to two million.  Relentlessly hyped by Fox News well in advance, and endlessly on the day of the event, crowds came from across the United States to protest.  Exactly what they were protesting was really never clear, and many of the protesters could not articulate more than vague soundbite slogans heard on television and talk radio.  Fox News continually chastised the “Main Stream Media” for not covering the protest march, continually asking why it was not worthy of coverage.  That commentary would end up branding Fox News hypocrites of major proportions, and I’ll get to just how in a moment.
A month later, on October 11, 2009, another rally and protest march was held in Washington D.C.  This time, estimates of the crowd count was 100,000.  An afternoon rally was held on the west lawn of the Capitol, with national figures speaking to the crowd.  No national networked hyped the rally with endless mentions and promotions.  All of the attendees were true grass roots activists, who were rallied in a relatively short time frame through the use of the Internet, text messaging, emails, and good old word of mouth.  The crowd was a true cross section of the United States: all races, ages, economic classes, sexual orientations, political affiliations, and  religious affiliations.

A sampling of the speakers included -
Robin McGhee, COS Professor and Fresno resident.  Robin is a leader of the Marriage Equality movement in California, and was a major organizer for the Washington rally.
Dustin Lance Black, who won an Oscar in 2009 for “Best Original Screenplay” for the movie “Milk”, which won Sean Penn a “Best Actor” Oscar.
Julian Bond, Chairman of the NAACP, who has spoken numerous times and said that gay rights are civil rights.  He repeated those statements at the rally.
Lt. Dan Choi, United States National Guard, Iraq war veteran, an arab language specialist, who now faces expulsion from the military under “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”.
The cast of the Broadway show “Hair”, who closed the show in New York for a day to attend the rally.
Judy Shepard, who’s son Matthew was the college student pistol whipped and left to die tied to a fence outside of Laramie, Wyoming in 1998.
Recording artist Lady Gaga.
A long list of other notable and unknown speakers stepped up to the podium that sunny day in D.C.
Watching the news, you’d be excused for not knowing it happened.  Almost no mention was made in the media, and even less was mentioned on Fox.
So here’s where Fox News is hypocritical.  A march of 70,000, endlessly hyped by their broadcasts well ahead of time, and covered extensively on their programs, was the fodder for their chastising all the other media for ignoring the protests.  However, when 100,000 gay/lesbian/bi-sexual/transgendered marchers and their straight allies took to the streets of the capitol, with no endless hype ahead of time by a major network, Fox was notably absent.  They complained long and hard about the national news ignoring the “TeaBaggers”, but then turned around and ignored an even BIGGER rally the very next month!  Fox didn’t even send a camera crew, instead showing a clip from ABC News, when they bothered to mention the rally at all!  Hypocrites of major proportions, who now lack any credibility, if they ever had it to begin with.  “Fair and Balanced” is a lie, and someone should sue them for false advertising.
You can check out video of the march and rally at Equality Across America’s website  here, and C-Span’s pages here.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Romantic Initiatives, Part II

[Part I]

We were not lovers.

I didn’t know what we were or what we would become. We were in fuzzy territory, the topography a natural blend, unmarked by conceptual boundaries. There were boundaries, yes, but only the kind of boundaries that a river makes as it cuts through stone. There was no sign that said “KEEP OFF” and no assumption that we would be following societal customs about grass. There were no intellectually imposed markings of any kind, really. It was more organic than a hippie convention at the local farmer’s market.

We did not talk again until a day had passed. I was, quite frankly, distracted by my vibrant social life. You see, after spending the summer heartsick and pining, I had gotten back into the swing of things. No longer isolated from scholastic pursuits, I found myself surrounded by people. There were fickle people, people who started to shun me because they happened to catch me in the company of those with whom they were no longer friends. There were people who were with me for just half a season, and only then because of my roommate, with whom I got along quite well. But there were also a few that I am still friends with today. The night after I went on an accidental “date” with C, one of those friends was going through a personal crisis, and so I invited him out bowling with me, my roommate, and a very lively group of foreign exchange students she referred to as the “Chinese Mafia.”

The next day, when I invited C to come out to “the fair” with us (because that’s what my friends told me that it was, but as it turns out it was just a lame corn maze), I thought it might be awkward because of what was going on between my friend and one of his friends who would be there also. I wasn’t really thinking about C that much, aside from the thought that she might provide a convenient excuse to duck out of the way if the feathers started flying. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I thought it would be nice to see her and all, but I worried that perhaps she was a little more eager to meet again than I was. As ever, I was being cautious.

When she showed up around 2 p.m., my immediate impression was of how nervous and awkward she looked–she was mid-transition but had not gone full time yet, and her male clothing did not suit her face. She does have a girlish face, all big pouty lips and pretty green eyes–eyes which were covered up by glasses with those lenses that change into sunglasses when exposed to harsh light, except that they seemed to be broken, remaining permanently a translucent light brown. Her body, too, was covered up. But there was no mistaking her femininity; it pervaded every shy line of her body–the way she held her arms, the way her lips turned up in a cute grin at the sight of me. “What? No hug?” she pouted, a little put off by the way I had, in my continued rush to get ready, just ushered her in. So I hugged her then, and it was not the same as the one from the other night–shorter, more stilted–because now I was much more nervous about it. But it was still nice.

There were a bunch of people from the QSA going, and so we met up with a bunch of them at the maze, and went through it all together. Truth be told, we trailed after them. Neither one of us was particularly interested in navigating the maze, so we held back and walked next to each other, talking about various things. Tentatively, she bumped her hand against mine–a sign that she wanted me to take it. I was not so sure I wanted it to go in this direction–at least not so soon!–but I decided to just go with it to see where it would lead. We walked and walked, hand in sweaty hand, until the others, still ahead of us, found our way out.

It was clear, at this point, that she was beginning to become somewhat infatuated with me. How much so, I did not know. I felt rather distanced from her at the time, and uncomfortable showing affection like that in public. The others were giving us looks of surprise every now and then, and though I do not remember whether they said anything in front of us then or only later on, when I was explaining how we met, one of them said, “Wow, look at those two! They are totally canoodling!”

Once we were done at the maze, we made our way back to the dorms with a number of tiny pumpkins that they had given away there. While C and I had been walking around on our own, it seems that tension had been building between three of my friends over some issue or another, I can’t remember anymore. We were hanging out, waiting to see if they wanted to go out to dinner with us or not. At some point, C sat down on a comfy zebra-striped chair that R had salvaged from the newly redecorated art building, and then pulled me onto her lap. I was surprised that she would go that far after only the second time that we had met in person, and while I was a little uncomfortable with it, I wasn’t uncomfortable enough to say anything about it. After I got used to it, it was kind of nice.

Then T and W showed up, irritable at each other and both angry at R. At some point, C and I relocated to my bed, curled up next to each other and held hands, watching the three of them duke it out. “You know, I felt bad for them,” C said of it later, “But at the moment, I was really too happy to care.” Ultimately, T and W stalked off to go do something else, leaving R in tears at my dorm. So the three of us went out to eat together, to cheer her up. This involved a lot of impractically one-handed eating, since C sat next to me and had my hand under the table, and refused to let go for as long as she could help it.

I don’t remember doing anything after that, so we must have each gone home. I returned to my relative solitude wondering what I might have gotten myself into, and whether it would be something that would be good for me to pursue. It bothered me a little that C seemed to be pouring herself into our potential relationship so fast, while I was still processing what had gone on in my previous not-relationship. I do tend to let significant relationships (in a broad sense, including friendships) linger on my mind far longer, perhaps, than other people do–long after the feeling is gone, I still keep trying to work out a system of interaction that might have worked out better than what had actually happened. At that point, I was not sure I was ready to get into a new relationship like that yet. I had not expected to find myself faced with that possibility so soon, nor for C to enter my intimate space so quickly. I understood that she was very affectionate with her friends, as she had warned me about it a little, but still, it took me by surprise. I would like to say it took me pleasantly by surprise, but at the time, I really was fairly neutral. It wasn’t something I had expected, and I wasn’t sure it was where I wanted to go, but it wasn’t so bad either. For a while, I just couldn’t make up my mind.

GLBT NEWS over the world; lesbian in tux can't get into year book, intersexed people in Aus. registered as sex-offenders to get meds, in Uganda gays get death penalty?

A lesbian high school student is banned from her yearbook because she wore a tuxedo. The school in Wesson, Mississippi told Ceare Sturgis that her attire was inappropriate for her gender. The girl never wears girls clothes and felt horrible in a dress so she just decided to dress the way she is. In previous yearbooks of the school there had been cross-dressing by straight students and that was deemed fine, but a lesbian in a tux is just too much for them. ACLU has decided to take on the girl’s case against the school.

In Australia intersexed people have to join a sex offender list to get the medication they need. The health care policy only gives an anti-androgen medication to sex offenders and people with prostate cancer. Female-identified transsexuals that try the meds to suppress their male hormones have to join the list as well. What a ridiculous rule, as if those people don’t have a hard time enough on itself without being on a sex-offender list.

In Uganda a politician has proposed legislation that would make homosexuality on offense punishable by death. It’s already illegal in Uganda but this politician thinks harder laws need to be made. The bill does not only outlaw gay sex but also criminalize all advocacy of gay rights and family and friends of gays and lesbians that don’t report their loved ones to authorities should be punished as well. Sounds like Nazi Germany.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Service of Remembrance This Friday

Hosted by PFLAG of Tulare-Kings Counties

In Memory of those who have died violently because they were Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender or Questioning.

Candle Light Vigil (Bring Candles)

Date: Friday, October 16, 2009

Time: 7:00pm

Location: Tulare County Court House (North Side)

This Service will embrace a variety of spiritual expressions and we will honor the names who died at the hands of hatred, ignorance and fear. Please contact Tulare-Kings Counties PFLAG if you know of someone whose name should be included on the list of lost lives. Please join us as we remember their lives with love, bear witness to the atrocity of their deaths and affirm together that hatred and violence must end.

PFLAG Food Drive for FoodLink

 Most Needed Foods

Canned Fruits, Canned Vegetables, Powder Milk Instant Potatoes, Canned Tuna, Rice, Cereal, Beans

 Contact: Van at

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Kama Sutra: A Tale of Love (1996)

Set in 16th Century India KAMA SUTRA is the tale of two girls, Maya and Tara, one a lowly servant, the other a noble princess, both raised together as children. But whilst Tara is raised as a Princess Maya, as her servant, is forever reminded of her subordinate position. It is though her striking beauty and her skills of seduction learnt through the Kama Sutra, the Indian book of love, that Maya exacts her revenge on Tara by seducing her husband on her wedding day thus beginning a destructive struggle for power where revenge is the goal, but tragedy the outcome.

Download Full Length Movie:


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International "Outing"

I am proud of being bisexual. I have no problem having friends know Im bisexual. I think whoever is WHATEVER should stand proud of who they are and not be ashamed.

THAT BEING SAID: I noticed a lot of issues lately with the topic of outing people who are gay or bi.

I have to be honest and I know many gay and bi people will probably be against me on this but, I dont think its fair to out ANYONE. To “out” someone is to reveal that a certain person is gay or bisexual either without their consent or forcing them to do so by pressuring them.

Look like I said be who you are and proud but understand that some people dont want to be outed. I dont think people should hide it but I also dont think its up to anyone else but that person to say it.

First of all, who anyone sleeps with is no ones business. I really didnt need to know if Clay Aiken was gay or not. I didnt find him attractive and the thought of him in bed with ANYONE kinda gave me the heebie geebies. So he’s gay. 1) Duh 2) good for him 3) why did I need to know this? I dont listen to his music and I dont really care.

Look, like I said Im bisexual. My friends and most of my family know I am. My mom? I havent SAID it even though there is a very small possibility she knows. Why havent I told her? Well here is the basics of my bisexuality if you must know:

I love the idea of being with men and having a relationship both sexually and mentally. I love the idea of being with a woman sexually and … just friends. Sorry but I just dont see myself having a romantic RELATIONSHIP with a woman.

THATS NOT SAYING IT CANT HAPPEN. I just dont believe you can control who you fall in love with. Its my personal opinion therefore if you agree or disagree, rock on and stick with your opinion I dont think negatively of you if you dont agree with me but respect mine.

Now do I really want to come out to my mom and say ‘hey mom i just want to tell you Im bisexual but dont worry I still want to marry a guy but I just wanna have sex with women” Yeah telling my Catholic mom who was practically raised in a convent is not really something Im eager to do right now. Now, if I do see myself pursuing an relationship with a woman, then of course I would tell her.

Now would I want someone who has no right to tell my mom to out me to her? Hells no! Who the fuck are you? You arent doing me a favor at all. Some people are still negative about homosexuality sadly and a lot of people who are gay or bi live in areas where they can be physically and emotionally harmed should someone know about their lifestyle choices. They can lose jobs and what not. Its not right but it happens. If they dont want to come out then dont force them to. Its really up to the person.

Why am I talking about this? Two things have come up over the weekend that has led me to write this blog.
1. The walk to DC. Man, I wish I could have gone. I didnt know how it was organized or anything I strongly believe we should get support and am glad that Obama has recognized us all and admitted discrimination for people who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender is still prevalent and should be stopped. One topic that was brought up a lot was the abolition of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell.

Now, before you jump to conclusions dont worry lol. I do think that people shouldnt HIDE who they are. It just really bugs me that this has to be an issue at all. On the one hand I dont think people should be forced to divulge what their preference is in the armed forces. If you want to fight for your country then you should be allowed to no matter what preference you have. I also dont like the Dont Ask Dont Tell issue though because that requires hiding who you are. Its just messed up.

What really upsets me is the fact that this needs to be an issue in the first place. Why did the armed forces even care. Yes, get rid of Dont Ask Dont Tell but make DAMN sure that once its gone that the discrimination doesnt come back. Its the only thing that worries me. I know a lot of people in the armed forces who actually DONT want gays in the military. It bugs the fuck out of me. Like why do you give a shit? Trust me when they realize what a close minded son of a bitch you are they wouldnt fuck you with a ten foot pole! Dont flatter yourself mofo! Seeing what some (I repeat, SOME) armed forces units have done to prisoners I worry about gays in the military. The hazing soldiers go through can be brutal but being out? I just want the government to make sure this will be disciplined HARSHLY should a terrible problem arise.

Look, if a person doesnt want to say their preference is, then leave them be, but being forced to hide it through dont ask dont tell is just as wrong. It just shouldnt be an issue. Who you fuck has nothing to do with military tactics dude!

Aside from that issue,

2. British show X Factor. Danni Minogue (Kylie’s younger sister) is one of the judges. One of the singers ( I think his name is Danyl) is bisexual. He sang a Jennifer Hudson cover of And I am Telling You and he changed the reference from “he” to “she” since he was a guy singing it. She made a comment that it was ridiculous to change that part of the song since hes bisexual and it wouldnt have mattered. Well this caused a HUGE ass controversy. Simon Cowell was obviously angry as hell at her and the audience was in shock and the poor guy looked embarrassed as hell.

Look, I got two things to say on this issue.
1. They are saying what Dannii did was a slur or homophobic gesture. Ehh,, noooo. I dont think so. She was basically telling him “Dude your bi why did you have to change the gender of who its being sung to, so what if its another guy” I think she was trying to boost him up and say “be proud of who you are”
2. However, he wasnt out. It wasnt part of the show. It had nothing to do with the song. She outed him without his permission. No silly Dannii, outing is for the person who is gay or bi. Its not your choice. I hate how people think that just cuz YOU know a person is bi or gay it gives you the right to tell the world. Im sure it was a mistake and she didnt realize it but Dannii, you are a celebrity you need to watch what you say. When will Celebrities ever LEARN THIS! UGH!

Look I like Perez Hilton in the sense that I could see myself partying with this guy HOWEVER I HATE HIS BLOG. I HATE that he feels the need to out people on a continual basis. Mind your fucking business dude! Respect the people who are struggling with this. Its all them not you. You seem really nice though and I hope to meet you haha.

I think people need to back off and respect others choices. Sex and Love are two very private things to a lot of people. Some people dont give a shit and tell the world and fucking rock on to them! However to those who dont, thats totally fine too and I respect their privacy as should everyone else.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

the BEST Silvio quotes.

BBC News is officially the most brilliant news source ever. Why, you ask? Because they compiled a collection of the best quotes by the Original Gangsta (O.G.) Silvio Berlusconi.

A Sampling:

“The founders of Rome were Romulus and Remulus …”

“Read The Black Book of Communism and you will discover that in the China of Mao, they did not eat children, but had them boiled to fertilise the fields.”

“I will try to meet your expectations, and I promise from now on, two-and-a-half months of absolute sexual abstinence, until [election day on] 9 April.”

To German MEP Martin Schulz, at start of Italy’s EU presidency in July 2003:

“I know that in Italy there is a man producing a film on Nazi concentration camps – I shall put you forward for the role of Kapo (guard chosen from among the prisoners) – you would be perfect.”

Such a G.

Look at this guy!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Cost of Being Gay In America

Based on findings of New York Times business journalists Tara Siegel Bernard and Ron Lieber, being gay in America comes with a hefty price tag.

In a worst-case scenario, being gay can cost a same-sex couple up to $467,562 over a lifetime.  In a “best-case” scenario, that figure goes down to $41,196.  Such items as Social Security, health benefits, income taxes, and even the costs of not being able to biologically have children were considered in the study.

The funny thing is, most of these expenditures could be completely eliminated if we just legalized same-sex marriage.  But we haven’t, and the “liberals” representing gays and lesbians keep peddling this “civil union” horseshit that won’t do jack for a lot of these unnecessary (and I’d even say unconstitutional) expenses.  The conservatives whine relentlessly about being excessively taxed by the government.  Well here’s a tax – the Gay Tax.  Anywhere from $41K to $467K, just because you’re gay.

Welcome to the United States of fucking America.

The blogger, Kristofer Paul, can be reached at

in other news, i turn 31 tomorrow

wait, what?? what??!

wasn’t i just, like, 15…yesterday? it really feels that way. it seriously does. (the fact that i act like i’m 15 half the time only compounds this. the ashlee simpson circa 2005 haircut doesn’t help matters but oh i do love it so)

my dad warned me back when, gosh, i think i was a senior in high school or early in my college career that time really flies faster and faster once you get older. you all remember back when you were in high school (or maybe you’re in high school now): time. moved. soooooo sloooowly. like, you couldn’t wait to be done with it all. “older” and…”mature.” and then you’re finally older and you’re kind of wanting it to slow down.

my mom says that life just keeps getting better and better with each passing year, and i have to say i see where she’s coming from. ok, so i’m laid off. and i kind of live…in a…transitional neighborhood. where i can’t even take a decent walk  by myself  during “business hours” (omG what is w/all the crazies in the park between 10 and 4?!; also, haha, i remember business hours! they suck!) and the dead rats in the alley outnumber our friendly neighbors (ok, i’m exaggerating. kind of. but not by much.) but i have my wonderful unlawfully wedded partner by my side, i feel more sure of myself than ever and i’ll tell you what: i am having a damn good time.

i’ll tell you another thing: i have felt better the past three weeks than i have in years. i am not exaggerating. i went from having migraines two, three times a week to…well, i don’t want to jinx things, but let’s just say a whole helluva lot less. it’s amazing what stress and basically being unhappy from roughly 9-5:30 monday thru friday can do to a person. three weeks into this new chapter in my life, and i feel like a new person. i was full of knots before. my brain was a clenched fist. my days have taken on an entirely new rhythm. and i can devote myself entirely to what i love to do: write. i have just been so…happy. it’s a new feeling (i guess you don’t realize just how unhappy you’ve been until you’re actually happy) for me, this happiness that’s not just on a saturday and/or sunday. let’s just say i’m getting used to it quickly.

so here’s to this new chapter in my life. a new (jewish) year. and a new 31st year here on planet earth (wait, wasn’t that a duran duran song?!). i’m already thinking it’s a pretty doggone good one. and the fact that i’m eating lunch closer to 11am now makes it even better

Saturday, October 3, 2009


[Get ready for rant-time. Fuck. This is my blog, bitch. I say what I want for however long I want to say it...]

Just when you think you know someone. I can’t believe he would stoop so low. But then again, she obviously takes an interest in him and he’s nice to her. Someone [let's call him Valjon] at work today told me that  he knew what was up. So Valjon proceeded to tell me that one of my best friends was spreading a rumor about a new coworker. She came to me earlier to talk to me about the rumor and that it wasn’t true but she wouldn’t tell me who was spreading it. I hoped to God that it wasn’t him. But alas, apparently it was. Valjon told me that he knew I liked BlueCar and BlueCar probably has an interest in me but he begged me.. begged me  not to start anything because he said that I deserved better and that BlueCar was just playing games with my heart  to – put it verbatim, “egging me on”. It sort of feels that way. I mean, he already has a girlfriend and it just feels like he likes to play around with people. Humility, my love. Learn that lesson and we’ll talk just fine again. I’m done with people treating me like shit. Like a new toy that he can just toss aside because he found something better to play with. I’m finished. I’m done caring so much about someone that doesn’t give a rat’s ass about me. “Treat people the way you want to be treated”, right? Well, that sort of isn’t working out for me. Hell, I’ll still be a fucking ray of sunshine because that’s what I am. It’s in my nature. But when people start using me and playing games with my heart and mind… that shit is just not gonna work. I trust no one because no one has proven themselves to be worthy of trust. Treat me like a fucking human being and not just a piece of talented ass. Please. If all guys are like this, then fuck being straight. Francis was right – I should probably consider going lesbo. In the back of my mind, I always thought I was bi… but no. I had too much faith in the penis. Time to live life for my family and myself once again. Lovely.

In other news, went ice skating this morning and my legs hurt like no other. That’s about it. I don’t really feel like blogging anymore. I’m a bit pissed at mankind… or a single man…that doesn’t seem to be too kind at the moment.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Duty Vol.1 Lesbian Heaven

Description: These Japanese lesbians are all about getting it on in groups of four or more! Bringing out the toys and strap-ons to fuck each other to orgasmic pleasure! They'll also let the boys tag along if they promise to be good and fill their innocent mouths full of cum! These lesbians actually swing both ways!

Mariko Kawana, Rina Kitahara, Nana Mizuno, Nanami Kurasawa, Yumiko Anzai



“Novacaine! Inject me with the fuckin Novacaine!” I yell in my head.

That bitch left me! why? I gave her my heart.

Okay. So what I fucked up a time or two but… fuck her!

Novacaine… I don’t wanna feel this shit!!!

SHE’S the one who cheated!!!!  Not me! and she up and mother fuckin left me!

Give me my Novacaine.  Let me drink it or something. I will never love the same.

Never trust the same.

I will always be numb off this fucking Novacaine.

Because of one girl, all of the others have to suffer!

Yea, that’s the way it goes down.

You better take what you can get

And give me my fucking Novacaine!