Tuesday, October 13, 2009

International "Outing"

I am proud of being bisexual. I have no problem having friends know Im bisexual. I think whoever is WHATEVER should stand proud of who they are and not be ashamed.

THAT BEING SAID: I noticed a lot of issues lately with the topic of outing people who are gay or bi.

I have to be honest and I know many gay and bi people will probably be against me on this but, I dont think its fair to out ANYONE. To “out” someone is to reveal that a certain person is gay or bisexual either without their consent or forcing them to do so by pressuring them.

Look like I said be who you are and proud but understand that some people dont want to be outed. I dont think people should hide it but I also dont think its up to anyone else but that person to say it.

First of all, who anyone sleeps with is no ones business. I really didnt need to know if Clay Aiken was gay or not. I didnt find him attractive and the thought of him in bed with ANYONE kinda gave me the heebie geebies. So he’s gay. 1) Duh 2) good for him 3) why did I need to know this? I dont listen to his music and I dont really care.

Look, like I said Im bisexual. My friends and most of my family know I am. My mom? I havent SAID it even though there is a very small possibility she knows. Why havent I told her? Well here is the basics of my bisexuality if you must know:

I love the idea of being with men and having a relationship both sexually and mentally. I love the idea of being with a woman sexually and … just friends. Sorry but I just dont see myself having a romantic RELATIONSHIP with a woman.

THATS NOT SAYING IT CANT HAPPEN. I just dont believe you can control who you fall in love with. Its my personal opinion therefore if you agree or disagree, rock on and stick with your opinion I dont think negatively of you if you dont agree with me but respect mine.

Now do I really want to come out to my mom and say ‘hey mom i just want to tell you Im bisexual but dont worry I still want to marry a guy but I just wanna have sex with women” Yeah telling my Catholic mom who was practically raised in a convent is not really something Im eager to do right now. Now, if I do see myself pursuing an relationship with a woman, then of course I would tell her.

Now would I want someone who has no right to tell my mom to out me to her? Hells no! Who the fuck are you? You arent doing me a favor at all. Some people are still negative about homosexuality sadly and a lot of people who are gay or bi live in areas where they can be physically and emotionally harmed should someone know about their lifestyle choices. They can lose jobs and what not. Its not right but it happens. If they dont want to come out then dont force them to. Its really up to the person.

Why am I talking about this? Two things have come up over the weekend that has led me to write this blog.

1. The walk to DC. Man, I wish I could have gone. I didnt know how it was organized or anything I strongly believe we should get support and am glad that Obama has recognized us all and admitted discrimination for people who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender is still prevalent and should be stopped. One topic that was brought up a lot was the abolition of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell.

Now, before you jump to conclusions dont worry lol. I do think that people shouldnt HIDE who they are. It just really bugs me that this has to be an issue at all. On the one hand I dont think people should be forced to divulge what their preference is in the armed forces. If you want to fight for your country then you should be allowed to no matter what preference you have. I also dont like the Dont Ask Dont Tell issue though because that requires hiding who you are. Its just messed up.

What really upsets me is the fact that this needs to be an issue in the first place. Why did the armed forces even care. Yes, get rid of Dont Ask Dont Tell but make DAMN sure that once its gone that the discrimination doesnt come back. Its the only thing that worries me. I know a lot of people in the armed forces who actually DONT want gays in the military. It bugs the fuck out of me. Like why do you give a shit? Trust me when they realize what a close minded son of a bitch you are they wouldnt fuck you with a ten foot pole! Dont flatter yourself mofo! Seeing what some (I repeat, SOME) armed forces units have done to prisoners I worry about gays in the military. The hazing soldiers go through can be brutal but being out? I just want the government to make sure this will be disciplined HARSHLY should a terrible problem arise.

Look, if a person doesnt want to say their preference is, then leave them be, but being forced to hide it through dont ask dont tell is just as wrong. It just shouldnt be an issue. Who you fuck has nothing to do with military tactics dude!

Aside from that issue,

2. British show X Factor. Danni Minogue (Kylie’s younger sister) is one of the judges. One of the singers ( I think his name is Danyl) is bisexual. He sang a Jennifer Hudson cover of And I am Telling You and he changed the reference from “he” to “she” since he was a guy singing it. She made a comment that it was ridiculous to change that part of the song since hes bisexual and it wouldnt have mattered. Well this caused a HUGE ass controversy. Simon Cowell was obviously angry as hell at her and the audience was in shock and the poor guy looked embarrassed as hell.

Look, I got two things to say on this issue.

1. They are saying what Dannii did was a slur or homophobic gesture. Ehh,, noooo. I dont think so. She was basically telling him “Dude your bi why did you have to change the gender of who its being sung to, so what if its another guy” I think she was trying to boost him up and say “be proud of who you are”

2. However, he wasnt out. It wasnt part of the show. It had nothing to do with the song. She outed him without his permission. No silly Dannii, outing is for the person who is gay or bi. Its not your choice. I hate how people think that just cuz YOU know a person is bi or gay it gives you the right to tell the world. Im sure it was a mistake and she didnt realize it but Dannii, you are a celebrity you need to watch what you say. When will Celebrities ever LEARN THIS! UGH!

Look I like Perez Hilton in the sense that I could see myself partying with this guy HOWEVER I HATE HIS BLOG. I HATE that he feels the need to out people on a continual basis. Mind your fucking business dude! Respect the people who are struggling with this. Its all them not you. You seem really nice though and I hope to meet you haha.

I think people need to back off and respect others choices. Sex and Love are two very private things to a lot of people. Some people dont give a shit and tell the world and fucking rock on to them! However to those who dont, thats totally fine too and I respect their privacy as should everyone else.

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