Tuesday, February 9, 2010

How I Solved Homophobia... I Think.

Ok so heres a breakdown of how sex works based on the mind of a rediculously straight man.


Guy = 1 Sexual organs

Girl = 2 Sexual Organs

Guy + Girl = Good

So Good must equal 3

(Good = 3)

We know 2 x Guy = 2 Incompatible sexual organs.

So 2 must equal Bad (Apparently)

(Bad = 2)

But Masturbation is always Good no matter what gender, so Good must also equal 1 since you are alone.

(Good = 1) <—-Stop concentraiting on the faces this is serious sex maths!

So based on this, the scale goes up by number 1 2 3 as Good Bad Good etc.

So I’m assuming any odd numbers are Good and any equal numbers are Bad

So lets work this out…

Guy (1) + Girl (2) = Good (3)

Makes sense…

Guy (1) + Guy (1) = Bad (2)

Still makes sense…

Guy + Girl + Guy = Bad

Girl + Guy = Good

Girl + Guy + Girl = Good

So far so good.

Now, considdering the average straight man gets off on the sight of 2 girls getting off with eachother, this is where it starts to get a bit weird.

Girl + Girl apparently equals Good to a straight man, unless it suddently involves a cup.

But look at this…

2 + 2 = 4 (Bad) so logically Girl + Girl = Bad which to a straight mans brain would make sense since thats Gay and since they get off on this Homosexual behaviour, Homosexuality obviously isnt a bad thing is it.

But I know what your thinking, this doesnt make sense because guys are naturally attracted to girls and the more girls the better… That’s a Lesbian sex orgy which is still gay. I’m sure we fought for something called Equal Rights at some point in history.

So if girls are allowed to be gay why can’t men?

Besides, girls think its cute.

[Via http://triplejx3.wordpress.com]

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