Today I looked at Yesterday’s Chronicle front page and saw an article titled “ECSU takes pride in new facility”. I thought, “Oh, I go to Eastern, I’m surprised I hadn’t heard about a new facility,” but then I read the sub-heading: “School opens resource room for gay and lesbian students.” This ticked me off, and I became more and more enraged as I heard the liberal spin the article was written with, as well as with the pandering from the University President Elsa Nunez (Side Note: if you feel like bombarding her office with outrage, you should be able to email her at: to the “LGBT community” with politically correct drivel.
I’m a White, Christian, Male, Evangelical, Homeschooled, Conservative, Pro-Life, Pro-Marriage, Heterosexual. I don’t participate in a perverted lifestyle as do gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgendered individuals (Note: I don’t use the term “perverted” as an insult or an expletive. By definition these lifestyles are perverted, as they are altering what bodies are intended to do naturally, or perverting the sexual functions with which the body is equipped.). However, it looks like I, a normal and upstanding heterosexual male, can’t have “pride.” Why just LGBT pride? If I said there should be a “Heterosexual Pride Room” I’d be immediately titled a homophobic bigot and possibly be put on academic suspensions for hateful language. A friend of mine on campus noticed something similar last semester. Chalk drawings, sanctioned by the University, were all over campus of stick figures with titles above the people. The titles were: Proud Gay, Proud Lesbian, Straight. So I can’t be a “Proud Straight?” Oh, we can’t have that – that’s bigoted and anti-unity. BULL! These so-called “anti-discrimination” and “tolerance” movements are promoting discrimination and intolerance towards other individuals.
Equal Rights! That’s what everyone spouts! “Equal Rights for Blacks!” “Equal Rights for Latinos!” “Equal Rights for Women!” “Equal Rights for Queers!” “Equal Rights for Transgendered!” Well here and now I’m going to take a stand that no one has the gumption to do: “EQUAL RIGHTS FOR HUMANS!” I disagree with homosexuality profusely as well as the whole concept of mutilating one’s own body to add or take away sexual organs, but I’m not going to promote that we ban gays from learning at a university, or ban transgendered individuals from applying to a university. Why can’t we take pride in being people who are blessed by God with inalienable rights?! Why can’t we take pride in the freedom we have as people, and the freedom we have in this nation to disagree? Why do we have to discriminate against people based on their race, religion, creed, sexual orientation, quality of life, and gender (and by these I’m referring to the politically correct discrimination against people who are: Caucasian or Asian, Christian or Jewish, Conservative or Libertarian, Straight, the unborn, and Male [or pro-life Females])??!!
At Eastern Connecticut State University, a publicly funded school, we have a “Women’s Center”, an “Intercultural Center”, and now a “Pride Room” for Gays and Lesbians. Why don’t we have a “Men’s Center”, an “American Center”, a “Pride Room” for Straights? They would either laugh or say “that’s sexist,” “that’s racist”, “that’s ethno-centric,” that’s bigoted,” “that’s homophobic.” Hey Liberals, what about “tolerance”?! I have a better idea – why don’t we let every facility be open to all students? I’m not talking about programs. I’m not talking about student clubs, run by students. I’m talking about decisions made by the higher-ups at the University about how to use student funds without the consent or input from the students.
Moreover, I’m enraged that this was kept under wraps. This, and the time when conservative speaker Star Parker came to speak, are the only 2 times on campus where I’ve seen there be a lack of publicity and media coverage beforehand…hmmm, I wonder why.
Recently at CPAC, conservative activist Ryan Sorba condemned CPAC for allowing GOPride, a homosexual republican organization, to be a sponsor. I agree with him, but at least with CPAC it is a privately funded conference where individuals can choose whether or not to support or attend the event. How much more should people be outraged when our tax dollars are spent to promote public policy agendas in our publicly funded Universities? My money and your money should be used toward education, not discriminatory policies in places which are Constitutional mandated to be non-discriminatory. I say “Eastern Connecticut State University, shame on you! Shame on you for not giving students and tax payers prior notification! Shame on you for misappropriating Student and Taxpayer funds to promote a liberal, immoral, non-educational agenda! Shame on you for brainwashing students that having standards and disagreeing with politically correct lines of thought is evil and prejudiced! Shame on you Elsa Nunez for using one act of violence against an individual, in 1998, in Wyoming, as an excuse to embezzle funds from the tax payers to make you feel warm inside! We don’t deserve this treatment, and believe me, we won’t stand for it any longer!”
Please believe me when I say I’m not homophobic, racist, intolerant, bigoted or hateful. I just believe in Freedom and Liberty. I’m against discrimination by the government using public funds. I’m for the freedom of debate and the liberty to disagree and even discriminate privately based on personal convictions. I’m trying to expose a double standard that my university has set up, and which in general, the majority of publicly funded organizations have.
I love all people, because as a Christian, I’m commanded by God to love my neighbor as I love myself. That doesn’t mean I have to agree with all people. True love doesn’t take a back seat. True love isn’t doing what makes others feel good at the expense of what’s wrong. It’s not loving to buy a smoker cigarettes, because even though it makes them feel good, it is killing them. I won’t forsake my convictions to make people feel good, because in the long run, I believe it will be damaging to the people I love — physically, spiritually, mentally — and damaging to the rest of society.
“Here I stand, I can do no other, God help me, Amen!” – Martin Luther
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