Tuesday, February 16, 2010

INFIDELITY: Boys -vs- Girls


We hear about it everyday, we face it constantly in this world of sex-crazed animals. Because  we are exactly that, fiend animals on a long journeyed prowl. We want to fuck and suck and experiment our lives away, but how do we balance all of it?

And how do we non-single people deal with the harsh subject of fidelity that is  regularly lingering the bedside. And can we really blame one gender for cheating more than the other? Is it honestly fair to say that men (although their prestige history) are accountable for more mishaps in the marriage than women.

Trust me, I have heard my fare share of unnamed ms. someones sneaking out their homes to meet the nearby neighbor that lacks in a job and dignity. But then again, just today I heard two guys talking about what “ranking” he named the girl, yet he walks right up to his girlfriend which  undoubtedly is flaunting away her white-gold engagement ring.

For some reason girls tend to keep things more discreetly, (whether it is a smart idea or not) guys tend to get “caught” a lot easier, but let me not confuse you, girls and guys EQUALLY cheat. Like masturbation, girls do it too, and girls do it a lot with toys and lube, yet, we females tend to keep it much more on the low.

I sincerely say sorry to those men who have to deal with so much from their suspicious wives and girlfriends.  Because in this large crowd of sex maniacs are those rare loyal men that don’t cheat. These are the guys that have to deal with mistakes that the husband down the street made. This stereotype that men are cheating whores is widely misunderstood. Men are the cheaters that get caught, girls are the cheaters that make the word discreet seem like an understatement.

[Via http://gagmagazine.wordpress.com]

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