Up to now I have been focusing what I have been calling the transvestite side of the transgender paradigm. People tend to have a particular view of transvestites which is actually quite misleading, due to the strong propaganda put forth creating the image of the “heterosexual crossdresser”. But the truth became readily apparent later when transvestites blossomed into the transgender under that rubric.
We are all familiar with the images on television, or perhaps you have seen them in your own town, of a male person tottering on heels in fetish clothing that no woman would wear in a public setting, if she would consider wearing such ridiculous things at all. What most people don’t know is that far from being the “heterosexual crossdresser” as they generally liked to portray themselves prior to the advent of hardcore transgenderism, the vast majority of these modern full-time transvestites are actually gay. Arnold Lowman, aka Virginia Prince, coined the transgenderist term specifically to hide this truth and shame real transsexual people. More on that later.
For now I’d like to explain the other part of the TG paradigm, which completes the (male) transgender circle. I am purposefully leaving out the phenomenon of the “Transman”. The transgender paradigm is a behavioral phenomenon, not a physical one such as found in transsexuality. Therefore the female-bodied at birth transgender person may be quite different from the male-bodied at birth transgender person in their reasons for what they do. Because we are discussing a behavior and not a state of being, it is more appropriate to segregate the two sides in a manner which would not apply to transsexualism, the common cause of which is most likely shared between both male- and female-bodied at birth transsexuals. So on to the “shemales”.
As with most things transgender, your common sense and instincts are correct when it comes to “shemales”.
Lately of pornographic fame, the “shemale” is generally a gay man who has decided to make use of his slender physique to profit from those who are attracted to male genitals but who, for one reason or another, cannot accept that attraction in themselves.
Contrary to widespread belief, most shemales generally do not take hormones (for long if at all) because, strangely enough, having a female balance of hormones is tremendously uncomfortable for a person with a male balance of traits in the brain.
Instead, they rely on plastic surgery and silicon injections to mould their bodies to approximate the female form for a time, while retaining their essential maleness. This is important for their target market, closeted gay men. The image on the screen allows for arousal in a state of temporarily reduced inhibitions. In the case of shemale sex workers, the client is aroused by the smell of testosterone emanating from the male prostitute, as well as his underlying hardened physique.
It is an unfortunate circumstance that in most of Western society there is a very negative attitude towards sex. More to the point, there is a very negative attitude towards sex between males. In many primates, sex between male members of the population is used to establish and reinforce the pecking order. And this is probably the case with humans as well.
Being attracted to other males carries a huge stigma for a man, and dealing with that attraction for some is too great a dishonor. Even when such relations are accepted in a culture, the dominance and submission aspects are still in play, giving us such things as the old Roman standard that only the submissive man is truly debased.
Shemales provide an outlet for men with closeted gay feelings to express them in a safe environment.
If the male genitals are attached to a “woman”, there is no shame, because they are not submitting themselves to a lower place on the male heirarchy. Also, the sheer novelty of such an image is bound to pique interest in those given to fetish, as the bizarre tends to evoke the addictive sexual response in those so inclined. The circle of addiction can then begin, adding complexity to the situation as the population of “admirers” grows.
Shame and lust exist side by side in shemale attraction: The gay attraction to “shemale transgenders” mirrors the more male-bodied, yet also gay, attraction for the “transvestite transgender”.
And that’s the link that holds what seems like two sides of the TG paradigm together. In reality, they are both the same, only the minor details are different.
And that is why transgender sits so comfortably among the GLBT- it is simply another form of men being gay. Whether it is with a “shemale”, or with a 24-7 (older transvestite-type) “transgender non-op”, the focus is on male genitals and gay sex.
Virginia Prince, hopelessly addicted to shemale pornography, closes the loop and provides the archetype of the transgender phenomenon. The legacy of its creator is seen throughout the TG world today, for they are men who hate themselves for their gay feelings, and take that out on transsexual women by erasing, silencing and violating us whenever they can.
The sooner these gay men can overcome their shame, the sooner we can put an end to transgenderism as an abusive political force. People like Ron Gold, and probably most of the GLB, understand this instinctively having written similar things. Their only error was in confusing the transsexual-born with the those who exhibit transgender-gay behavior. Who can blame them after all the misinformation?
In essence, transgender is just variant form of gay behavior.
This is why its adherents cling so strongly to the GLB. Yet there would be no need for people to become one of these older “transvestites” or a younger “shemale” sex workers if shame over homosexuality did not exist. This, in addition to my belief in equal rights for all, is why I support acceptance of gay and lesbian women so strongly. Not tolerance, but genuine acceptance and an embrace of all people as brothers and sisters. Few callings are higher than bringing equality to those who do not have it.
For us, the (post)transsexual men and women, being thought synonymous with men’s sexual pecadillos is so degrading and dehumanizing as to evoke rage. We have lost our humanity so that a few men could avoid their conscience, and for cynical politics. Their privilege trumps our existence. The injustice of this is reason enough for every one of us to stay the course and see this through. We must separate ourselves from the gay and lesbian discourse at any cost.
We really have nothing for the GLBT or the gay world at all. Being born different does not give other people the right to victimize us, either for our politics or for our bodies. In this we share common cause with the intersex. It is sad to see young pre-op girls being victimized by the sorts of predators that live in the TG world. Sadder still is the victimization of intersex babies first by medical “professionals”, and later by the same predators that assault us, transsexual woman.
There are much better ways to transition these days than hanging out in the gayborhood, and I urge all those who feel trapped there to reach out beyond its borders. There IS another way. Though the TG machine has done it’s best to “educate” the world about us, in order to keep us as vitcims, we endure. And we triumph.
Stay safe, and be free.
[Via http://ariablue.wordpress.com]
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