Thursday, January 14, 2010

Transwoman Jasper Gregory Soldiers On

Jasper has been exploring the world of the love that dare not speak its name, becoming a “tranny dyke”, as she terms it.  She would be amusing if she wasn’t so darn aggressive and offensive elsewhere.  This time she has decided to approach “lesbian separatists” and after being taken to school on some of their blogs, has backtracked and now just wants to be friends.

Ms Jasper, despite the post modern rhetoric, separates people into two categories that inform the rest of her philosophy.  Like virtually all transgender activists, Jasper uses the designation “Male at Birth” and “Female at Birth” to build the rest of her house-of-cards point of view.  They may refer to these categories different, such as “assigned male” or whatever, but you get the idea.  So Jasper goes on about MAB’s and FAB’s.

What is interesting is how Ms Jasper has suddenly decided that lesbian separatists have a point, after being strongly rebuffed.  She has now entered a friendly dialogue with her new friends where she bargains away the rights of others under the premise that she is the same as everyone else she decides is “MAB” and therefore is somehow duly appointed to represent everyone. The irony of a “horizontal” philosopher who sets up hierarchies is lost on Ms. Jasper.

First, I’d like to state that I have no interest in the “radical lesbian” or “lesbian separatist” argument. That is something the TG politicians have brought on themselves, using us as some kind of assault weapon.  Because the TG have successfully made our birth condition the equivalent of fetish transvestitism under their “umbrella”, nobody knows who we are any more.  This erasure was necessary in order to pursue the “male lesbian” scenario, among other things.    Those lesbian women who find themselves under attack from the trans hordes are prefectly within their rights to resist the invasion.  That is much of what we are trying to do as well.

Transwomen like Jasper are the ultimate expression of transgender.  She is the perfect TG.  Also like other TG activists, despite all of her “radical” theory, she falls back into the same binary that we all live in and respects the rights of those “FAB” people while ignoring those of transsexual men and women.  Jasper does this because she claims that transsexuality doesn’t exist.  There is nothing radical about postmodernism in the end.

I was having a bit of fun watching Ms Jasper’s antics, until I read some of the things she was saying about the transsexual condition more closely. Because Jasper says that “male femininity” is just a variation, she out and out denies that there are children who suffer from a real physiological transsexual condition. Her uninformed viewpoint comes down to the same old thing as many of the TG and other outsiders; if society were just more accepting, transsexuality wouldn’t exist. What an ignorant, arrogant, and horrible opinion.

In the comments thread on my last post, a discussion broke out about children and their parents who deal with these sorts of issues sprang up towards the end. The fact that children are subjected to the label transgender, or “gender” anything is deeply troubling to me. I strongly believe that burdening children with all the adult sexual baggage that comes with the “transgender” label is grossly unfair to them, and may be dangerous to their mental and possibly physical health later in life. The stigma of these things never goes away once unleashed, and that is a tragedy because there are other ways of dealing with these issues.

I think this provides the strongest reason of all for ending the concept of transgender as involuntary umbrella. All of this gender proselytizing does have an effect; it even impacts how doctors and other professionals treat their patients, unfortunately. I was one of those children once, and I know what kind of damage that nonsense can do, Jasper. Shame on you and your transgender allies for your part in this.

I don’t take kindly to people who want to make light of this birth defect. People who want to erase it into a system of gendered nonsense for their own prurient interests deserve to be vilified for the real harm they do. When transgender activists like Ms. Jasper misrepresent who and what we are to other people, impersonating us in their fun and games, they do malicious damage to everyone who was born with the transsexual condition.

And I especially abhor being used as a weapon against other women. The TG and their activists are always quick to do that; it seems to be one of their main goals in co-opting transsexuality.

I’m not sure if Ms. Jasper will post my comment in its entirety on her blog; she seems to be into creative editing for favorable context. So I’ll post it here.

Yeah, here’s the thing Jasper. I was born physiologically “different” than you, and your denial of that just makes you look silly. We have no “shared origin at birth”; your claim is an attack on my personal sovereignty as well as reality.

Just so you know people like me have “trans-hoods”, not childhoods; we never develop that understanding of “male as self” that you did. Our experience of the world from birth until death is fundamentally different from yours. I share no experience of maleness with you in that sense. Are you starting to see why you are wrong about the transsexual birth condition?

When you mocked those “MtF” people by telling them who they are, you committed an act of political and personal violence against them. The reason they deny being “male” is because, if they were born transsexual, they never were. Not in the sense you demand that they be, for your own purposes. You are fixated on genitals like most men, thinking that they absolutely define physical brain structure, if you think of that aspect at all.

All this theorizing has as its goal to erase women and invade their space, using people like me as a battering ram. You do not have my permission to do this, nor any post-transsexual person’s as far as I know. This is another reason I oppose the TG political construct- it has become a weapon against women.

You can try to turn it around all you like, as you have done in the posts above this one. That is known as “imposing your will”, something that you “MAB” people seem to be very good at. You don’t even see how aggressive and domineering you are, do you?

That’s what is known as “male privilege”. I deal with that all the time from TG’s. And it seems you are going down that same route.

You do not speak for me. You do not speak for “transsexuals”. You do not speak for anyone but yourself. If you want to invade women’s space, you do it all on your own with no excuses.


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